Care for a Peverell

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The students of Hogwarts bustled about their day, each with their own unique tasks and challenges. Some hurried off to class with books clutched tightly in their arms, while others gathered in small groups to chat and prepare for the day ahead. The castle was alive with the sound of footsteps echoing off the stone walls and the chatter of students as they moved from one task to another.

But for the others, the challenge of navigating the magical world was daunting enough. Even adding the burden of homework and assignments made their lives even more challenging.

After a long day of classes, students would retire to their dormitories, where they would be greeted with a mountain of assignments. Potions essays, Charms readings, and Defense Against the Dark Arts assignments would be piled high, waiting to be completed.

All of these were typical things a normal student would experience, and they made up everyone's school life whether they liked it or not.

For one particular student however, it does not seem to bother her whether she has studied enough or not. What's important is that she values how important magic is. Atleast, to her own heart.

"Atena!" A girl shouted across the busy hallway. "We'll wait for you over at the Clocktower, alright?"

The girl in question, Atena, nods and waves back before seeing her friends vanish quickly to the corner.

She was a young student at Hogwarts, and she was a great one at that. Being sorted into Gryffindor, Atena was also a bravehearted student. She would prove to be a good dueler at her second year, and right at her third this year, she would be faced with more challenges.

And that only excites her curious mind even more.

Walking peacefully to submit her works to the Potions Professor, she accidentally overhears quite an insightful discussion.

Now that it has peaked her interest, she decided to stay quiet.

"Do you mean, he's not supposed to be here?" A dark and gloomy voice speaks from a corner.

"No. I only meant, he should not have been able to ... apparate here. That is all." Atena gasps at what she was listening to. It was Dumbledore's recognizable voice, talking to Severus Snape.

Whoever the person of interest was in this current exchange, must be really of high importance. She thought.

"If it is true that his parents have secretly taught him magic before their untimely deaths, then he would be very able to do so. That much is obvious." Snape interjected.

"That, and he is of a fabled bloodline."

"You have seen him, yes?" Dumbledore asks. "Is he ... as powerful as we think?" 

It took a minute for Snape to reply. Certainly, this thought has found him tongue-tied as well.

"He seems frail for now." He spoke. "But I think he'd be achieving excellent marks if he was quite back in a normal state."

Snape? Praising a student like that? This must be some sort of a holiday miracle, Atena thought.

"He'd do better than Harry?" Dumbledore asks.

Woah. That's not what she expected. Atena is shocked. To her core.

"I don't want to think of such frivolous thoughts." Snape shrugs while he stands up from his seat. "And Harry ... is as rowdy as he can be. I have no need for another one."

Atena laughs quietly. It is quite hilarious to see Snape mad at Harry, even if he's just being himself.

"I suppose I shall talk to the folks over at Ilvermorny about this matter?" Dumbledore inquires insightfully, caressing the ends of his white beard.

𝙿𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁𝙴𝙻𝙻 | A Harry Potter Male Reader Insertحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن