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i walked up to Chales from behind to scare him. But before I scared him he scared me. " Jesus Christ i was supposed to scare you" " good job Brooke" I mocked him. " your so stupid sometimes brooke" " says who?" " me" " and me!" We heard Carlos scream. " OH CMON" " and you're clumsy as fuck" " no i'm not" " yes you are". Charles was prepping for the grandprix in Monaco. i was with him almost every race, not only for him but for my brother too. he loves it when i come and watch his races, and i live with Charles so im forced to come when i can. " i am so stupid" Charles said.  "whut? what did you do?" Carlos and I asked " i tripped and now my coffee is spilled all over me"  "BAHAHA YOU DID NOT" " YES I DID" " BAHAHAH" " help me clean up" Charles demanded me. "if you asked nicely maybe" " will you please help me clean up?" " okay" I said while walking to the kitchen to grab a towel and some water. " here let me do it" i remove mostly of the coffee stain but not everything. " this is the best i could do charles" " its alright" he needed to get ready because the race was gonna start in 30 minutes. he got ready and i took my seat by the team of Ferrari. i'll later go to the red bull team. they're okay with me sitting there. they were driving 78 laps. charles started 2nd place, then the race stared red lights off and off they went. Leclerc ended 1st place and Perez 2nd verstappen 3rd. the firts thing Charels did was hug me. he choose me before his team.. it'll be nothing just forget it. we watched as he got up to the podium with the biggest smile on his face. God i think i am catching feelings for him... he got his trophy and is now in the ferrari garage. " lets go to the hotel i'm tired" "yes we're gonna go see you tonight at the party" " are you really going Mon chéri " " yes i am forced remember?" " oh yeah i forgot sorry" " don't say sorry Mon amour" " okay" we walked towards to the hotel and as soon as we got to the hotel room i changed into comfy clothes so did Charles, we shared a bed but it was normal for us. as soon as he layed down i snuggeld into him and fell alseep. 



she was so tired that when she snuggeld into me she immediately fell asleep. she's so cute sleeping, she's cute in every way.  i've always liked her more than friends but i'm sacred to ruin our friendship. i can't loose her so i kept it a secret, the only one who knows is her brother but he promised he won't tell anyone. God i love this girl.. and she's so cute and beautiful .. oh i love it and i hate it at the same time.. why i hate it? i don't know. she slowly moved and lightly woke up. " what time is it?" she asked in the most sweet sleepy voice. " 6.30pm." " when do you have that party?" " at 7pm" " we should get ready" she said "we?" I aksed "yes i'm going with you" she said without leaving me a choice. "okay then let's get ready" " oui oui" she mocked my french accent. i love it when she did this. i love everything of this girl. she got up and made her way to her suit case. " have you seen my red dress?" " wich one?" " the thight mini dress" " its in my suit case remember?" I said " oh yes thank you" she always steals some space in my suit case. it always smells like her, i love it. she walked to the bathroom to put the dress on. " Charles!" " yes" can you help me?" " ofcourse Mon amour" i walked in to the bathroom and helped her with the zipper. when we both were ready and about to leave i felt a sting on my back, i turend around and saw Brooklynn with a nerf gun. " oh mon amour no" " oh mon chéri oui" i ran and she ran after me we both laughed until i felt down and she tripped over me. " you okay?" she asked. " yes you?" " HAHAH YES!" she stand up and we walked to my car. she stepped in the passenger seat, she's my passenger princess. when we arrived we met up with Carlos, Lando and Pierre. she took a few drinks and then she went to dance. after 15 minutes she walked up to me. " cmon Mon chéri dance with meee" she was definitely drunk. " alright i'm coming" we danced and after a few hours she wanted to go home, she was a bit sobered up. "  Charles?" " yes" " can we please go home?" " ofcourse princess" i said "that's a new nickname" she said laughing "yeah do you like it?" " yes, but can we go home now?" " yes" when we got by the hotel room she took a shower and then waited for me to finish my shower and we went to bed. she snuggeld into me because she's always cold and she loves cuddeling but only with me. she fell asleep and soon after i did too.

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