Chapter 2: Escape and New Friends *Annabel's POV*

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It didn't take me that long to pack my things and gather everything into a small bag. I didn't really own much. I look around my room one last time. The room looks barren and cold just like the first time I came here twenty-some years ago but it felt like a lifetime living in this mansion. I look around one last time before heading out. Not even a trace of anything I owned was left behind, I made sure of it. Thankfully Hank made sure of it while I did a cleanse with rain in my room.

As I was walking out of the distance gruff voice calls out, "Where are you going, Annabel?"

I turn around to see Cyclops looking at her from down the hall. No one else was with him since it is in the middle of the night still.

I huff and cross my arms, "Why should I tell you? Why do you even care about what happens to me? You never cared about me in the first place."

Cyclops moves closer, "Charles told me to keep an eye on you. Now it looks like you are leaving. You can trust me we can do this together and make sure.."

I started to walk backward and snarled, "Make sure what Cyclops, everyone is blaming me for the death of Mystique when I have no background in medicine. What did you expect me to do? No one likes me, no one has ever cared about what would happen to me. This place has not felt like home in a long time. You cannot stop me from leaving."

He yells, "You could have teleported you and Mystique out of there."

I clenched my hands closed, "Cyclops she could have bled out more if I moved here. Did you want that to happen? Not exactly. Leave me be."

I turn around and started walking away when I hear a hurry of footsteps behind me. I knew it was Cyclops running after me. I shake my head and before he could touch me I teleport out of there.


Once I open my eyes I notice I was in an alleyway. I did not recognize any of the buildings around me but it was mostly dirty bricks and trash on the ground. There was barely any light that was coming from the signs at the end of the alleyway around, but from what I could tell that I was in the middle of the alley. I gathered myself up and started making my way down. I started to walk down when...

"You know for a mutant you shouldn't be by yourself."

I quickly turn around to look down to see two people standing, one had an arrow notch in their bow while the other was crouched to the ground.

I quickly grabbed my knife from my bag, "Who the hell are you two?"

The one who had their arrow notched, "I am asking you the same thing. Why are you by yourself young one."

I shake my head, "Why should I trust you? I do not know either one of you. You might as try and bring me back to the mansion if Charles sent you."

One of the two crouched on the ground looks at their friend, I tried reading their minds but it seemed like I couldn't read either of their minds. A few minutes later, the archer unnotches her arrow and puts back the arrow in their quiver, and walks to me.

Once they come closer, I noticed their features more, the person was wearing a dark red and black uniform and wearing a mask to cover their face. They reached out their hand to me and I slink back.

They chuckle, "It is alright my friend. We won't be taking you back to Charles or any of the X-Men. I see they have freighted another person on leaving them. This is not their first time."

I look at them then back to their friend who has crept closer, "Why should I trust either one of you? I haven't even known your names."

The one who was creeping closer, "My name is Mimic and the archer is Onic. We used to live at the mansion, I am guessing way before you did. We do not work for them if we did you would recognize either one of us. I am not surprised you haven't heard of either one of us. I promise you, we are not lying"

I look at both of them and cross my arms, "Then who do you work for? I have never heard of either one of you."

Onic rolls her eyes, "So Charles is keeping suppressed on the other heroic groups. Not surprised there. We both are allied with the Avengers, I have my own group I work with but we are not the villains here. May I ask how's Hank doing?"

I look puzzled at them, "How do know Hank? If you know him what is his name other than Hank."

Onic chuckles, "Easy, Hank's superhero name is Beast. Like Mimic said we used to live in a mansion. I meet Mimic at the school. Magneto introduced us when we were at school. I do not know if you would know Magneto."

I looked down, "Sadly no, Charles has barely ever talked about anyone who left or died..."

Mimic asks, "Wait who has died?"

Onic looks over to their friend, "Yeah I would like to know too?"

I shake my head, "I do not know who precisely, because from what Hank has told me, people either left or died from missions. People who I think left or dead are Wolverine, Havok, Phoenix, and Mystique."

Mimic looks down, "I am guessing you only know who left while you were there. May I ask what happened to Mystique?"

I recall to them what happened to Mystique from the last mission who was on the verge of death before I left.

Onic asks, "So, everyone expected you to heal her or teleport her out of there with the risk of bleeding out. I would have done the same thing if I was you in the situation."

I smile, "I am glad we are on the same page about that then. Hank told me I could leave the mansion without the risk of being found. He didn't say how I wouldn't be tracked or found."

Onic looks over to their friend and then back, "If you are fine with it we can bring you to our friends so you could get help. *grabs something from her pocket and pulls out a small hair clip*, For now, I can give you this. I have used it in the past and so has Mimic."

I looked down at the outreached hand, "If you promise not to bring me to X-Men then sure but if you to me I am not against killing either one of you."

I hear a laugh from Mimic, "I don't know, you can even kill Onic hear but you can try. We do not break our promises. Come on grab Onic's hand and we can bring you to the headquarters."

I think, If I join them I won't be found. If they break the promise I can always leave. Hmmm.

I respond sharply, "Fine I will join you guys but on one condition. Can either one of you see if I have a tracker placed on me."

Mimic closes their eyes and reaches her hand out. I noticed nothing pulling from my skin or clothes.

Mimic responds, "I can tell you now you do not but they could have made the tracker out of plastic but I do not know. Just put on the hair clip so it blocks any telepathic mind reads or tracking from Charles."

I look at them and then at the hair clip. I grab it out of Onic's hand. I hesitantly put it on in my hair and then grab Onic's hand. I still don't know if I should trust them. I feel a similar breeze of wind as we teleport out of the alleyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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