Luce's background

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Luce Smith (short for Lucille) was originally born a Pogue, over the years her parents saved up and were able to buy a house on Figure 8 but it wasn't a typical Kook house. They were still practically Pogue's living on the bare minimum and the Kooks made sure to remind them of that. Her parents were lucky enough to be on the good side of Ward Cameron, who helped them find an affordable house on Figure 8. If you were lucky enough to have links you could practically achieve anything.

Luce would have much rather stayed on the cut because at least she had her friends, the only upside was that she got to see Kie more often.

She wasn't at the top of her class, she never would be and she knew it. Luce was well aware she'd never reach her full academic potential and so she never tried. Her parents didn't participate enough in her life to provide her with any real meaningful motivation for a better life. Besides she was satisfied with her life, who wouldn't be? Beaches, sunsets, surfing, bonfires and the laughter of her friends kept her happily at bay. (most of the time)

However she did promise herself she would try this year, she owed it to herself, to have the freedom of any kind of future she wanted with anyone she wanted.

     However little did she know the pages of her book were written with the ink of her own blood...

*Authors note*

I didn't want to make Luce's background too detailed and long because I want the reader to learn about her throughout the book.

Not sure yet, I'm sure it'll come to meWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt