Stationary, Standby

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"Jaren, chill. Remember what Elliott said. Fourty minutes minimum. You are in charge of naming them appropriately, at least on the whiteboards at the ends of the cots. Look, I know you're worried about this, but it's our best opportunity for everyone to come out healthy." He smiled and nodded. We'd already spoken about this. Grizzy was going to come to the hospital with my uncle and cousin. He was more worried about me than I was.

"Hey, I love you!" I said smiling, pulling his hand to my face to give the back of it a kiss. "And I'll be fine. You'll have Elliott to keep you right. And I'll be taking the piss out of you too until you leave. And I know that Dr. Cole will do a good job. You still never told me what you were naming our boys." His smile grew.

"That's a surprise for when you wake up. But I do think Lyric is perfect for our daughter. Lyric Phoenix Smith. It has a nice ring to it. If she's anything like you, she'll be as firey as ever!" I gave him a look, a confused one.

"And what's that supposed to mean?" I started to laugh as I watched the smile grow across his face. Matt quickly poked his head around the curtain.

"Huh, I thought you'd have your own room..." He pulled the curtain together as he stepped in and took a seat on the other side of me.

"There isn't a room right now, but there's going to be one reserved for me for recovery, until we get leave to go home that is." Matt nodded.

"I guess it's a busy day, huh?" I nodded and smiled.

"Apparently. Oh, now that I remember- you did give one of the boys Phil as a middle name, right?" Jaren nodded.

"Yeah, I did. You never told me why though." Matt smiled and looked at the ground.

"I'm surprised you remembered him..."

"I remember his name, and some of what he told me, but I don't remember what he looked like. I was eleven when he passed away, right? And his son used to come with him on visits when we were younger too?" Matt nodded.

"Yeah, Josh. You thought he was so cool when he visited with a mohok hair cut. You should ask David about him once you're awake after surgery." I nodded.

"I think I might. See what memories have been blocked out, I guess. Fight or flight situations are crazy." Matt shook his head. As he was about to speak, Elliott poked his head through.

"How are you feeling?" He pulled the curtain closed behind him.

"Pretty good." He flicked the blanket from over my toes and part of my leg, lightly poking it with his pen, asking me if I felt any of it.

"I feel the sensation, but nothing of pressure or anything." He nodded and pulled the blanket back over.

"Sounds good. The uh, Dr.cole should be over this way soon and explain everything again, so you are completely clear about how things should go. Unfortunately, Matt once she's here, you're going to have to sit in the waiting room until either myself or Jaren comes to get you." Matt nodded.

"I expected that. I'll wait outside for our other visitors at some point anyway." Elliott nodded.

"Well, I'll go and look for her now, and see if she's ready. I'll be back soon." He then disappeared behind the curtain again.

"Well, Charley, I'll see you once your surgery is done. Everything's going to go smoothly, don't worry about anything. I love you." Matt gave my hand a squeeze and then left.

In ten minutes, I had been given an explanation from the surgeon, dr Cole, I had been scooted to the operation room and introduced to the nurses who would be looking after the baby's while I was being stitched up. Two hours in, and I was knocked out to finish the surgery while Jaren joined the nurses with looking after the kids.

 I Know I Shouldnt - Smii7y X Reader  (Named) DISCONTINUED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!Where stories live. Discover now