The Blades Of Dawn

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I walk through a labyrinth of hallways to the courtroom. my stomach has been churning at the thought of this meeting, I have to speak with two mortal monarches that never saw eye to eye of how I run my empire. Multiple letters have been delivered to me in secrecy threatening my country with war if we do not over our advancing resources. My country is by no means normal, I have fought hard to make sure everyone lives in paradise, though they are war starved warriors who have not adapted well to an era of peace. If there has been even a whisper of war my people will overthrow me for having a weak hand and continue the ways of old.

My sister will probably be at the front of the line, bile begins seering the back of my throat. Her magic nearly incinerated the planet had I not sealed it properly. She can easily summon the full heat of the sun in an instant. The entire royal palace believes her to be a literal God, she had tried to overthrow my kingdom by killing her father, my guard, and any citizen that has sworn loyalty to her father all because he deemed me to be an heir because of a sword. Its almost laughable, but the dead bodies in the covering the streets weren't. needless to say I'm trying to stop an impending slaughter. I walk upon two massive oak doors gleaming from its glossy finish. I take a breathe, nerves calm, resolve firm like steel. I open the doors where flowing conversation dimmed to hushed whispers. I immediately carve a glimmering rune of silence into the air which should last for around five minutes.

The doors slowly slammed shut silencing the room. I looked up at one of the foolish monarchs sneering down at me from one of the court tables. " take a seat." I grip the hilt of my sword. " I've nearly sacrificed the entire world for peace to give my country rest. I've killed my sister who could easily turn your seas into scorching deserts. And you threaten this peace for political gain?" I look into his sea green eyes. " not only have you put me in such a danger from your anger but also put two entire countries ripe for domination." And that was it, like a match to a fire the court erupted into choas.

The young king slammed his hands on the table as he stood hastily, his face bright with anger. " This" He yelled " is what happens when bastards becomes a ruler!" Everyone in the courtroom gasped in shock at the insult. "That's right." He said a nasty smile that would have made my sister proud spread across his face, " I know you're your fathers illegitimate son you bastard." Anger boils my heart, i bite down the urge to beat that smile off his face. "The reason we refuse to give you our resources is because it is not for your safety but for ours.

You all did not bleed and die for my land. until a year ago you weren't aware of our existence yet you think you are entitled to our resources?" A young women with a voice of midnight silk answered " but why not secure your nation across the waters? familiarize yourself with your neighbors, so we may know if you are a friend or foe?" Ah, a sweet talker.

I grip the hilt tighter strengthening my resolve. " we are already secure, what strength can any of you offer me? We don't need wealth nor military strength." The young man took a breathe before saying " no entity should have the power to destroy the entire earth. Such a threat whether it is a nation or a single being must be befriended or eliminated immediately. You cannot stay a secret with such strength." Ah. those words tickled my memory of past traumas. Those exact words have been haunting me my entire life.

" the people of my country are far from the norms of regular civilization, we are the last of the blood of fire. I am their shield. no one on this earth will step foot in my kingdom, in fact no outsider in the history of our existence has ever laid eyes on our lands. So why would I let in war hungry mortals filled with dark intentions?" Before the woman could answer the doors slammed open. My heart froze as a woman with black hair and gold cat like eyes strode by, she was clothed in traditional Dralgearryn war armor. She was carrying a bloodied squirming sack, her gold eyes lazily locked in with mine.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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