Sunflower feilds

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Summary: a one-shot what if, Katherine got severely hurt in a battle w/Shelby
TW: gore, blood, possession

Katherine could feel her body pant, taking physical effort to breathe. They'd been at it for an hour now

Hits back and forth, using up multiple potions. Well, she was using potions, shelby seemed fine without any

Her eyes where this blue-brown murky color, the same color all over her body, like a scab. And as soon as the thought watered her mind she just felt more SICK

Like eating a too sugary cake, she hated it. She wanted her golden eyed witch back

Hehe, it's funny. The moment Katehrine saw the witch at that tea party she wanted to run at her, swoop her into a hug and just kiss her face all over

It's funny how the day she realizes she's inlove with the witch it's to late and Shelby is telling her she's infected with skulk and maybe she doesn't need Katherine anymore

"God's dammit Shelby!" Katherine yelled, tears in her eyes, "why can't you just stop and THINK about what your doing!?"

Shelby just LAUGHS, "oh, right, I guess you wouldn't know!" He voice sound cheery but also echoey

"The witch right now" she, it? Laughs

Katherine narrows her eyes, "what does that mean?....."

The witch(?) Laughs againa dn tilts her head, "well, Shelby is certainly TRYING to be heard we can hear her struggling and trying to yell but well"

They chuckle, "who's more in control?" They raise her hand

"Then voice locked in a broom closet or the captain at the control panel?" She tilts her head at the princess

Katherine states with wide eyes, "so you aren't my shekby? she's still in there!" Excitment overrides any shock

"Pft, hahahahahah!" The skulk laughs leaning back then yawning as if bored

"YOUR Shelby? If I remember correctly, you rejected her not only that but you didn't even visit her after the tea party!" It shouted, laughing

And Katherine felt that dread bubble up up again, guilt and fear and sickness swirling around with it

"That- that was because YOU made her hostile!" Katherine yelled

"Maybe so" the witch, but not witch, shrugged, "bit it definitely helped make her.....more easily breakable hehehe"

Katherine growled, flashing her fangs, and not-shelby snorted, "now now, you wouldn't want ti hurt you little firlfreidn, would you?~"

Katherine flinched, "that IS why you've been missing all those hits you could've taken, right? Or are you really just that weak?" Katherine swallowed thickly at the comment

"Come one Shelby" Katherine said shakily, she'd been hopeful before that MAYBE the witch would break free. Come to her senses

Now that she knew for certain that Shelby wasn't in control she'd HAVE to break from it's control....right?....

"Come one, I don't know how much longer I can wait!-" The princess yelled the last octave, barely dodging one of the skulks hits

"I don't know how much longer I can STALL" Katherine stressed, and the skulk made a mocking noise of boo-hoo, fake crying before attacking again

Five minutes and nothing had changed, it was past midnight at this point, and Katherine blocked another fire ball with her axe

"Dammit!" She cursed, seeing blood run down her arm, "comon Shelby!"

"Oooo boo-hoo 'ShElBy'" the skulk mocked, "Yeah like that's gonna work"

None the less they tried to ignore how their head hurt, and screaming was coming from where the witch laid locked up

Katherine bit her lip, focusing on those murky eyes that had flickered gold even if only for a few seconds, and relaxed for a split second

That moment was all it needed though, pinning Katherine to the ground, scythe at her throat and foot on her chest

"Any last words, princess?" The skulk taunts

"....I love you, Shelby" Katherine states, looking up tiredly

The skulk falters, taking a few steps back and they flinch. Before their grip tightens on the scythe

"You don't mean that, you DONT love her" it growls. There's a flicker of gold

"Oh, but I do....I think I have since day one, and was just to a afraid to admit it, Katherine says, whilst staggering up

"You are a LIAR!" It shouts, "the fact that you dare to die with a LIE in your lips is PATHETIC!"

Katherine feels the cool metal on her skin, bit doesn't realize it's cut her until she recognizes the sky above and a wet feeling on her side

"....I love you, Shelby" Katherine says, her head feels fuzzy. But she swears she sees Shelbys face drop, and those BEAUTIFUL golden eyes widen with fear

She heats muffled yells and begging, bit she can't make it out. Huh, she's never felt this tired before......
Shelby felt like she had been shocked with LIGHTNING

She couldn't BREATHE, all she could do was sare at the princess bleeding out in front of her, she had to do something this was HER fault, after all

Ripping the sleeve of her sweater she applied pressure feeling sick at how fast the blood soaked through the fabric

Looking through her pockets and bag she BEGGED the gods to let there be a helping potion in there-

There was, or thank saint pearl- she laid it down beside her and propped Katherine up aganst the tree, pouring the potion down the princess throat

She took the coughing as a good sign, and paused to let said coughing fit pass before helping the princess drink the rest

She let out a breathe she didn't even know they where holding at rhe sight of Katherine's wound starting to stitch back together

Pulling the princess to lay down in her lap she let out a shaky sigh, running their fingers through Kaths hair.

She was safe, she was fine, she would live. Shelby would live too, she'd brew a potion to get the skulk out. She'd give Katherine the instructions just incase she went away again.

They'd be fine, they'd live, they would be safe, together. Shelby kissed Katherines forehead before leaning on the tree behind her and closing her eyes.

I- I didn't think the chaoter would be this long- I am impressed in my self-

Anyways, I don't see much nature wives fics, or I do but there's not as much as other ships so, I made my own!!!

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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