lets have fun

82 3 0

Warning: mention of underage drinking

Amelia pov

I wake up laying my head on lucia's shoulder. I gasped in surprise I immediately removed my head from her shoulder which have woken her

"Oh your awake, how'd you sleep? "

"I'm fine thank you"


The pilot announced that the plane was landing in 5 minutes. I was getting myself ready and hold my bags while lucia was doing the same. After 5 mins the plane landed all the passengers went out of the plane. We waited for a taxi outside the airport and we finally got one

"Um Amelia"

"Hm? "

"Shouldn't we get a car of our own here and bring it back to the boiling isles before summer break ends? "

"Oh yeah I forgot abt that"

We got out of our taxi, we went inside the hotel that I booked before leaving

"Hello ma'am how can I help you today? "

"Um I'm here for the room I booked last night "

"Name? "

"Amelia Blight"

"And the other person's name? "

"Lucia Noceda"

"Woops sorry ma'am but all the rooms are booked"

"Um is there an available one? "

"There is but there is only one bed but it's VIP"

"Ok I'll take it"

"Are you sure ma'am? "

"Yes I'm sure"

I paid for our room and the person gave us our card 1 for me and the extra for Lucia, we went towards the elevator and went inside it I pushed the 5th floor button and waited the elevator was completely silent until the elevator started to shake I landed on top of Lucia and saw her grined

"Enjoying yourself blight? " she said while smirking

"Shut up" I said as I immediately stood up the elevator stopped shaking and we soon arrived at our floor we go to the room that the person told us to go and slid my card in. We see this big bed but it was only 1 so I guess we would be sleeping together. I saw Lucia at the balcony looking at the beach

"It's pretty isn't it? " she said while I was walking towards her

"Yeah it sure is"

"Well still not as pretty as you"

"You saying something noceda? "

"Nope" she stopped looking at the beach and walked towards the kitchen

"Hey blight! "

"What" I said from the other room

"Did you bring tequila? "


"Then let's drink and talk about our problems"

"Why so sudden? "

"Nothing I just want to take a break"

"Ok" I said as she gave me a shit glass and poured me a shot as she did the same to hers she immediately drank it so fast

"Woah slow down noceda there's still time" I said while taking a sip of my drink

"Relax it would take bottles for me to get drunk"

"Sure" I said while trying to drink the tequila directly. After a few more glasses I got drunk

"Hey blight are you ok? "

"Shut ap don't tray to hit on mi I hab a girlfriend"

"Hm what does she look like? "She asked while carrying me to the bed

" she has this green jacket and this red beanie and she always has her bat"

"Oh really" she said while putting me down on the bed

"And she's really pretty and handsome at the same timeee. But I don't think she loves meee"

"I know your girlfriend will love you, she loves you very much" that's the last thing I heard before I drifted to sleep

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