Hate me please

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I love the hateful creature I have become,
To hate, to revenge, to see other people succumb,
Cheers to all the losers out there and everywhere,
They can never get the pain of losing out of their hair,
For all my monsters and demons o' dearest,
I know you'll will never leave me for eternity or the rest,

I love how they abuse intentionally,
To give silent treatment, to avoid or fight irrationally,
The vat of venom spewing acid everytime,
Yet for the acid in me nobody gives a dime,
Cheers to all the abusers out there and beyond,
You know you will live long but will never form a bond,
You abuse others and in turn abuse yourself,
The fruit of the monster is now tasted by himself,

I love how passerbys put on gauze,
My reddened puffed face with a broken visage,
Will never stop to stare at you or stop that gaze,
We all live in our lovely lonely egocentric haze,
Cheers to all those who have already given up,
You know you will never rise up,
For all the winners out there and above,
Please never look for the problems you can't solve.

I love how much I hate me,
The embers of ire gaslighting fires of glee,
To know that I now know no limits,
I love that nobody, not you nor me give two shits,
Cheers to my foes out there in their seven heavens,
O! you could see my hell and my heathens,
For you will never cease the surefire torture,
And I will never stop concealing my gaping suture.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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