Chapter 3 (Days in the hospital)

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Now Lena has been in the hospital for two days. The test has shown that she has a congenital heart disease called subaortic stenosis. That's why she collapsed. She hasn't got a family so she is totally alone but Connor always looks at her. They're speaking a lot and Connor tries to figure out Lena's history.

Now Connor is in the OR. so he spent Ava to checking on Lena. Ava went to the ED. and looks at the little girl.

She looks scared cause she doesn't have anybody who knew for a long time and in this situation, it'll be necessary cause she has to stay in the hospital for a long time or stay with a person who can handle and helps to heal these diseases. Ava and also Connor knew it so they decided to help Lena through these hard times, and they tries to create a good relationship with her, to be somebody that she can trust. Ava walks to her room and they say hello to each other.

Hey, beauty! I am Ava. Ava Bekker. I work with Connor but he is in the OR he is doing a so risky surgery right now so he sent me to check on you. And he said, as soon as he finished the surgery he will come down to you. - Ava

Ava saw that Lena is freezing a little bit so she take a blanket from the other room.

So how are you? - Ava

Now I feel better but I'm hungry for some chocolate! - Lena

Don't worry I ask Maggie to order you some chocolate and if it arrives we can go together to the entrance to get those chocolates. Is that okay? - Ava

Okay. And I want chocolate for Connor too cause he was so kind to me! - Lena

Fine, no problem - Ava

Now I'm gonna ask Maggie about it and I'll go up to see how is Connor doing... - Ava

Connor has just finished his surgery. Ava told him what happened downstairs with Lena and told him that Lena is adore him so much. Connor started to smile and he went down to Lena.

Hey, how are you doing? - Connor

I missed you so much, I got an another infusion and it hurt so badly because you weren't there to do it. - Lena

Oh, I am so sorry sweetheart, I hope it won't happen again, I'll be here for you next time, but I think your test shows well so you won't have to get again a shot or an infusion, but if you have to get one anytime and I am in the OR I'll ask Ava to give you? Okay? - Connor

Okay, I like Ava she was so kind to me. She ordered me a chocolate and for you too. - Lena

That's great! So I bought you a little gift because you were so brave. - Connor

What is that? I wanna know! - Lena

Here it is! - Connor

Ohh... a new teddy bear! I like it, it looks like my previous one which I lost. Thank you. - Lena

I'm glad that you're happy - Connor

I have a patient upstairs and I have to check on her. But I'll go back to you and I think Ava will come down soon to get those chocolates. - Connor

Okay, but hurry! - Lena

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