Chapter 2

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The next morning was cold and misty, fog obscuring the woods from afar. Our small class waited in front of the school for the doors to open, but when they did, we weren't let in; Ms. Beverly let herself out.

"Good morning, class," she said sharply. I would like you all to please hand me your tickets for the trip, if you've signed them."

Only a few students stepped forward with signed tickets: Me, Veronix, a girl named Eve, and Collin, a boy who's been obsessed with me since third grade. The rest of the class (like, eleven kids) stood back.

Ms. Beverly checked the tickets and nodded, looking back up. "Very well. Those of you who aren't coming, I do not blame you. There is no shame in... shall we say, chickening out. You may go inside, and... uhm. Memorize flags, or something. Run along, now."

After the remaining students went inside, Ms. Beverly turned to the four of us still outside. "Now, children, don't worry. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. This is an assignment, however, so try not to die. Tally ho."

Collin turned to me immediately and grinned in what he seemed to think was a seductive way, his braces flashing. "Scho," he said with his lateral lisp, "how would the fair maiden like to ride in my noble schteed with me?"

"No. Dude, everyone can smell that thing from a mile away just from you opening its door, it smells like a gummy bear sharted in it with how many air fresheners you have in there." I turn away from him and get in me and my sister's Pod. Eve flashed me a thumbs up and the goofiest grin I've ever seen from her through the window.

Eve has been our friend for a couple years now. She's around four and a half feet tall, with really long and wavy chocolate-brown hair, which is always adorned by some kind of accessory; today it was a crystalline swallowtail butterfly on the right side, just above her ear. She always wears some form of purple, which pairs well with her startling green eyes; today it was a purple sweater with a black skirt, both with magenta highlights. Her knee-high black-and-white striped socks pair with her black loafers so she almost looked like Beetlejuice from the waist down. She turned away quickly from Collin as he turned to her, probably about to ask the same question.

We rode our Pods to the soccer field, which wasn't really that far but we needed an extra safety measure if things got bad. When we got out, the reality of the situation seemed to set in.

We could actually die.

Ms. Beverly addressed the four of us. "Now. Once I attract the Designation, you will need to apply the basic defense mechanisms that we have learned during the semester. Ms. Malt, what do you do if the Designation spots you?"

"Throw shit and run," I reply.

"Very good. Other Ms. Malt, what do you do if the Designation chases you?"

"Throw shit and run," Veronix said.

"Good. Mr... who cares, what do you do if the Designation starts spouting advertisements about our Pods' extended warranties?"

"Throw schit and run, ma'am," Collin said.

"Excellent." Ms. Beverly took out a device from her pocket; it looked like a flashlight, but the head was huge, like a megaphone. "Now. Remember that. I will now use this to attract a Spider Designation; they are the only things who can hear the signal. It SHOULD only attract the one closest to us, but... I mean, the more the merrier, right?" She held up the device and clicked the button. The click echoed dully through the field.

It was a few minutes before anything happened: Collin sneezed. I turned to him and shushed him, but the tall grass lining the field rustled. Collin had a very large nose, but I doubt his sneeze would carry that far anyway. All five of us turn to the spot, Veronix hefting her sledgehammer and Collin lifting his golf club. I take my pistol out of my holster, concealed by my hoodie, and Eve takes out her umbrella, which looked really pretty and elegant except it was also a shotgun.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2023 ⏰

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