Brother bonding

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Marvin and Anti walked down the sidewalk on their way to the park. Anti was so excited to have a fun day with Marvin he was glad that Marvin was finally free to spend time with him, that's all the little demon wanted. As they arrived at the park they were deciding on what to do first. There were so many fun things to do, but Anti immediately saw the swings and ran towards them with Marvin following from behind. Anti stopped in front of one of the swings and was struggling to get on Marvin smiled softly and lent Anti a helping hand. He picked Anti up and placed him on the swing Anti giggled happily as he held onto the metal chains waiting to be pushed. Marvin was glad Anti was having fun already. He got behind Anti and gave him a push. Marvin smiled softly while Anti giggled everytime the small demon went up on the swing. The magician won't lie he was having a great time himself.

"I guess going out was just what I needed. It's what we both needed." The magician thought to himself, smiling happily.

After spending two hours at the park they decided it was time for their next stop. The ice cream parlor. When they entered Anti immediately ran over to the freezers to look at all the different flavors of ice creams. Marvin couldn't help but smile softly at the sight Anti looked very excited to get some ice cream. When they got their ice cream Marvin walked over to the register to pay for them. There stood a very beautiful woman with her hair up in a ponytail wearing her uniform. Marvin smiled softly at her and gave her the cash. The young lady smiled and looked down at Anti who was devouring his ice cream.

"Awe, is this your cousin or nephew? He's adorable." The lady asked, smiling softly.

"He's my little brother. I'd thought I'd take him out for some ice cream and a fun day out." Marvin replied, ruffling his hair.

"That's so sweet! You guys have a wonderful day!" The lady said, her smile never leaving her face.

"We will. Thank you again." Marvin said, waving the nice lady goodbye and walking out.

They sat down on the bench outside the ice cream parlor. Anti had already finished his ice cream, but wanted some more. He looked over to see Marvin still enjoying his ice cream. Marvin quickly took notice of the little glitch glancing at him and chuckled a bit.

"You wanna try some?" Marvin asked, handing him his ice cream cup.

Anti nodded happily and took the cup taking the spoon with a bit of ice cream on it. He took a bite. His eyes quickly lit up and he took a few more bites of the ice cream. Marvin chuckled a bit watching Anti enjoy his ice cream.

"Do you like the flavor? It's my favorite flavor, chocolate chip cookie dough!" Marvin said, smiling softly.

Anti nodded happily taking a few more bites of the magician's ice cream; he's never had any other flavor besides mint chocolate chip. He thought that all the other flavors tasted awful, but he was glad to give this flavor a try. Once they finished up the next stop on Marvin's list was the mall. He knew Anti would love going to his two favorite stores Hot Topic and Spencers. Marvin teleported the two right outside the mall luckily no one saw they both walked through the doors and Anti could barely contain his excitement he ran over to Hot Topic standing right outside the entrance waiting for Marvin. Marvin was glad that both stores were next to each other if they weren't Anti could get easily lost for his size. They both walked in the store. Some people looked at them weirdly, but didn't say anything. They walked back over to where the shirts were and Anti pointed at the shirt he wanted. Marvin smiled happily and picked out the right size for Anti, handing it to him. Anti jumped up and down in excitement. The shirt had his favorite band on it and the design of it was pretty cool. Marvin also got a few things for himself he also got a few more things for Anti as well. When they purchased the items they went to Spencers which was right across from Hot Topic. Marvin was careful not to take Anti to the back of the store he knew was back there and so did Anti, but Marvin thought it'd be best not to take him back there and get weird glances from other people shopping in there. They looked around for a while and Anti picked up some more shirts that he wanted which Marvin agreed to getting them for him. After they were done they went to more shops they've never been in before and Marvin was glad that in one of the shops it sold fairy lights which he had to get for Anti to put up in his room. They went over to the food court to get something to eat. Marvin ordered sushi from a seafood restaurant and Anti got some chicken tenders with fries. When they finished up at the mall the next stop was the movie theater. Marvin teleported them right outside the movie theater. They both entered discussing what movie to watch Anti wanted to watch a horror movie which Marvin agreed. Marvin bought the tickets along with a few snacks to munch on during the movie. They entered the movie theater where the movie was going to be playing and sat down in the middle row to get a good view of the movie. Anti was currently munching on some popcorn waiting for the movie to begin. Once the lights dimmed everyone went quiet Anti was excited to see this movie it was his favorite film. He rested his head on Marvin's arm as he focused his attention on the movie. The little glitch was having such an amazing time he didn't want this moment to end, but he knew it was getting late and they had to be home in time for dinner. He was glad that the magician took him out to have some brother bonding; he just wished it would happen again some day, but for now he's enjoying this moment while it lasts.

When the movie ended Marvin looked over at Anti and noticed he fell asleep, his head resting on Marvin's arm. Marvin smiled softly and got up from the chair being careful not to wake the small glitch he picked up Anti and quietly left the movie theater. When he was out of the building he teleported them to Anti's room. He was aware it was a little late, but Evelien wouldn't mind at all as long as they had an amazing night out that's all that mattered. He gently placed Anti in bed covering him up in his covers he then used his magic to put up his fairy lights. Marvin smiled softly he was glad Anti had such an amazing night out he did have to admit he did as well. It's exactly what he needed, just some quality time with his brother was exactly what he needed. He quietly walked out of Anti's room, closing the door behind him sighing softly. He wished the night didn't end so soon he wished it'd last a little longer, but he knew that he needed to get back to work working on the antidote for his brother. He made his way down the stairs and entered the living room. Jackie was the first to notice the magician and smiled a bit.

"So, how was your night?" Jackie asked, his smile never leaving.

Marvin sat down next to the hero and smiled happily, "It was amazing! Anti had such an amazing night out. Our last stop was the movies and he fell asleep during it. I had to carry the little guy home."

"Glad you made things right with him and I'm glad you two had such an amazing night together." Jackie said, putting his attention back on the TV.

"I'm glad too." Marvin said, smiling happily, putting his attention on the TV.

After an hour went by Marvin decided to call it a night he said goodnight to Jackie and made his way up the stairs to his room. When he entered the room he immediately plopped down on his bed with a soft sigh. He was upset that he had to get back to work tomorrow, but he knew he needed to get it done. He soon felt his eyes grow heavy. He was glad he and Anti had fun. He hoped he could have an amazing day out like that again soon. Soon his eyes were closed and he let sleep consume him. 

A/N~ I know this was a very short chapter and I apologize about that, but I'll try to make the next chapter longer. On the 10th of this month me and my family will be at the race so I'm not sure I'll get the next chapter done in time. I will however get it started and try to work on it while I'm at the race and when I get home I will publish it. If there were any mistakes please let me know and I'll fix it. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll see ya in the next one! <3 

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