Their Confession's

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Looking back Sunny doesn't know why the heck he even knocked considering last time Aubrey's mother didn't even bother to answer.

What was he even expecting? He honestly didn't know perhaps it was just an impulse.

Sunny slowly opened the door.

No surprise that Aubrey's mom was just sitting in front of the tv as usual.

Sunny looked at her even though his father left him for killing Mari....which he honestly felt like he deserved he still couldn't believe all the trouble that went on with Aubrey's family....and now after finally returning after his 4 years of isolation he sees that Aubrey's father is gone and Aubrey's own mother was barely treating her any better.

Sunny felt his blood boil. He was angry as he glared at Aubrey's so called mother. How could she do this to her own child? Aubrey did nothing close to the terrible thing Sunny did years ago...nor anything bad at all in the first place....well before Mari died at least..and the terrible actions Aubrey showed were just as a result of a terrible neglected mother who did nothing for her loved ones.

Sunny wanted to yell at her...even if it meant suffering for it but....

He decided not to. Not because he was scared but because he just had no Idea what he was supposed to say and besides even if he said something what would it change? Who knows how long this has been going on for?

Sunny just passed by without saying anything it wasn't like he could do anything about it...but at least he could try to make a better future for Aubrey...

Sunny to be honest still couldn't believe his crush remained after all these years....and in fact...he was quite embarrassed to admit this...even just to himself but he feels like his crush on Aubrey grew even stronger and burned brighter than before...

He loved her Pink hair made her seem more beautiful...I guess that's why he also caved in so quickly when Basil asked if he thought Pink would look good on Aubrey years ago.

And in the end he was right...but it wasn't just Aubrey's looks that derived Sunny to like her. It was who she was as a person that grew him to like her years ago and knowing that even if she tried to hide it she still was the same on the inside too.

She was nice caring and well always willing to help her friends when they needed her...and even if she was a bit more mean and tough on her exterior he could still see the good in her.

He just hoped he still had the courage to tell her how he felt....

Sunny then went up the ladder to Aubrey's room

Aubrey was feeding her pet Bunny Bun-Bun so she didn't notice him at first, Sunny smiled. At least Aubrey was still ok.

When She was finished she practically jumped backward when she saw Sunny.

"ACK!! S-Sunny?!? what are you doing here?!??"

"Well I wanted to spend some time with you and Basil invited us to his house so...."

This made sense and Aubrey seemed to calm down now.

"Oh ok...I was wondering why you were still here..."

"Yeah that mom's out of town for a few days so it's not like there's anything else I'd wanna do." Sunny said trying to keep things casual like nothing was going on.

"Oh I see..."

Aubrey blushed...she still hadn't gotten used to how much Sunny was talking lately given he used well really only speak like a few sentences a day at most....and he was also so open really was a nice change and Aubrey felt like her feelings for him only grew from this as she felt her heart flutter...

Sunny's Guilt. (A Sunburn Angst fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora