Family Game Time

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It was dinner time at the Gander household when Emilie was looking at Ember, and Lucky eat,hoping that they wouldn't notice her watching them. She didn't know much about their past before they were adopted,but it seemed like they were happy.But there were times it seemed like they weren't.
'Maybe there's something we could do to make them feel more welcome.'thought Emilie as she ate some more of her macaroni and cheese.
Emilie tried to think of something that could bring the family together.She suddenly remembered what her own family did on Saturday night.Every Saturday night she,and her family would play Uno.Unless of course there was an emergency,but that couldn't be helped.
'And tonight's Saturday.' Emilie realized with a smile.
"You know what we're going to do tonight?Along with every Saturday night?"said Emilie,standing up dramatically.
"Uh-what?"asked Gladstone.He knew whatever it was,it probably wasn't going to be good.
"We're going to play Uno!"
"Why?"asked Lucky.
"I just thought it would be a good idea."said Emilie.
"But doesn't that game pit people against each other?"asked Ember.
"Don't all games pit people against each other?"Emilie counter argued.
"Don't you think it's a bit unfair to you,Paul, and Ember?Because you're not as lucky as Claire,Lucky, and me?"asked Gladstone.
Emilie simply stared at him.
"We're not getting out of this,are we?"Gladstone suddenly realized.
"Nope!"said Emilie.
"I thought so."


It was after dinner, and except for Claire,and Paul,nobody else was excited for the game of Uno except for Emilie.
"Okay,who wants to go first?"asked Emilie.
"How about us kids first?"suggested Ember,hoping that if Emilie didn't play the first round she would give up.
"Okay."said Emilie.
So,the kids played first.Lucky won,much to the surprise of nobody except for Claire who wanted to know why she didn't win if she, and Lucky were lucky. The only explanation was that Lucky was older, and his luck was more experienced.
But Claire's argument gave Gladstone an idea.That him, Lucky, and Claire played Uno together with Emilie to make it an even four.Much to everyone's surprise,especially the lucky three,Emilie won.Emilie believed that the three of them playing the same game together gave her an advantage.
Gladstone came up with the idea of the four oldest members of the family playing together.Emilie suspected this was to test his, and Lucky's luck,but went along with it anyway.Emilie won once again.
Paul then began to whine about wanting to play again, and Emilie came up with the idea of her,Paul, and Ember playing due to being born without supernatural luck.Like last time,someone joined them to make it an even four,this time Gladstone.Gladstone ended up winning the round.
"Seems like your winning streak is over."Gladstone bragged to Emilie.
"I won twice in a row."Emilie pointed out.
"So who's next?"Gladstone asked the kids.
"What about the original Gander four?"suggested Ember.Although she wouldn't admit, she was having fun, but she was also getting tired.
"Yeah."said Lucky,sitting down next to Ember.Like Ember,he was enjoying the game, but getting tired.Plus he was almost certain that it was close to Paul's bedtime.
"Well,it is close to Paul's bedtime.So okay."said Emilie.
Emilie ended up winning the game.
"Okay,Paul;time for bed."said Gladstone, picking up Paul.
"No!"said Paul.
"Yes."said Emilie as she helped Gladstone wrangle him.
"I wanna play again!"yelled Paul as his parents carried him to his room.
"Claire,maybe you should get ready for bed too."suggested Ember.She doubted that their parents would want to deal with two belligerent small children.
Claire walked off in a huff,complaining how she wanted to continue playing too.
Emilie, and Gladstone returned a few minutes later,looking tired, and worn out by Paul.
"Hey-um-Mom?-How come you're so good at Uno?You managed to beat me,Claire, and-Dad?-multiple times."asked Lucky.
"I played Uno with my family every Saturday night when I lived in New York."answered Emilie.
"Oooo...what was that like?"asked Ember.
Emilie smiled, and began to talk about her childhood in New York.

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