Act Two: Under Fire

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The remaining Sisters Repentia would recite a short hymn to praise the God Emperor's glorious name as they would accept their fate before lunging at the Legionnaires. The Sisters have lost four of their own and while their faith in the God Emperor of Mankind would keep them from wavering at the hands of the vile heretics, it wouldn't help the much now that they lost combative efficiency to these monstrous demigods in brutal melee combat.

The Repentia would force Romulus and Remus to take out their combat knives to parry. These large sword sized knives would be met with the grinding of chainsword teeth sending sparks across their power armour. Maximus would have trouble as he was still wielding a plasma gun in a melee fight. While he could parry and butt with his rifle, that would do little against the grinding of one Repentia's chainsword.


"They're upon me!" Maximus would yell out to his squad mates on his vox.

"Must I do everything?!?" Cyrus would say as he would swipe with Scylla in hand at the Repentia trying to strike at Maximus.

The Repentia would only have a split moment to turn her head to see the damning swipe of the Daemonblade come right at her before once more preforming a horizontal decapitation on this Sister. Within moments her body would spew out blood on both of their power armors as her lifeless corpse would go limp and fall down.

"T-thank you brother.." Maximus would simply utter.

"Get behind me fool! You are the weakling in this skirmish!" Cyrus would demand getting in front of his fellow Legionnaire who unbeknownst to both of them, had their plasma gun damaged by the chainsword.

Maximus would do as Cyrus demanded and get behind him as the Baelfire would twirl his Daemonblade defensively to parry two more Repentia lunging right at him. One chainsword would miss their mark as another one struck Scylla once more causing Cyrus to have to parry the blow as sparks would emit as chainblade met a pure Daemonblade's edge.

"You miserable wretch! I've fought on Kronus and in Aurelia! I have skill far beyond your mortal years of existance!" Cyrus would shout out of his vox as he would try once more to use his enhanced Astartes strength to out force his attacker.

Cyrus would stomp forwards to thrust his Daemonblade sword and weight over the Repentia who would lose her balance and stumble back a bit. This would allow him a split second to lift up Scylla and send her Warp infused edge crushing down in a vertical slice. The Sister had mere milliseconds to parry, yet she wasn't mortally ready to deal with the supernatural reflexes of the Black Legionnaire. This would prove to be her undoing as Scylla's blade would come crashing and slicing down upon the woman, slicing right through her skull and body cleaving it in blood gushing two.

In his mind, he could hear Scylla's daemonically manical laughter. The daemon within the blade welcomed the bloody sacrifice to Slaanesh. This would leave however the remaining Repentia who would show signs of horror at the butchering of her former comrade.

"Emperor, preserve me!" she would shout as she would raise up her chainsword to lunge at Cyrus to try to avenge her befallen Sister.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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