Chapter 15

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As the black Mercedes arrived, Michelle felt relieved. All the hard work of the last 2 days had paid off. Both men had been given the same story. An old school friend of Valerie's had suddenly been taken ill. The fact that Giles had never heard Valerie mention "Janey" seemed to have passed the man by. Valerie was distraught, as it suddenly meant she had realised her own "mortality" and she had taken it badly. Michelle was needed at the funeral as support for her, as, because Michelle didn't know Janey, she could be detached, and just be there for Valerie, without emotion. Giles would be "far too busy" to attend and Valerie didn't want to put him out, so Michelle would do perfectly. Valerie stepped out of the house. She looked suitably immaculate. Knee length black dress. Chiffon attached to a small hat, placed on one side of her head, and the material covering her face like a veil. She looked up, saw Michelle, and managed a smile through her blood red lips. "Thank you for being here" she said, as the Mercedes door was held open for her. She climbed in, and beckoned Michelle to do the same. The door was closed for them, and with a whisper, it left the house. They sat in silence. Neither woman really knew what to say, but eventually, Michelle managed "do you have any idea who will be there?"

Valerie looked back. "I would imagine his bitch ex, and a few colleagues, and of course, us, but to be honest Michelle. I have no idea." Michelle sat again in silence. Valerie asked, "do you have a handkerchief?" "You didn't bring one?" she replied. "I brought three, Valarie laughed, you know what I am like, and I know how scatty you can be" Michelle went red, and she mouthed, "thank you, I didn't remember!" Both women smiled. And then silence.

They had been driving for around 45 minutes, and Michelle had no idea where she was now, but it was miles out of town, and she didn't recognise the area. Just as she was about to ask the question, the car turned left, and she saw the church. "He grew up here," said Valerie, seeing Michelle look puzzled. "oh I see" she replied, despite not really understanding the significance.

The door opened, and the two women stepped out. They made their way into the doorway of the church. There, also in the doorway, was a tall woman, slightly overweight perhaps, and definitely under dressed. Michelle said nothing, but guessed this was the ex-wife. The woman eyed them up and down, but said nothing. As Michelle turned, the hearse came into view. The coffin was beautiful. The flowers displayed all around it were immaculate. And on the coffin, the most stunning bouquet of red roses. "They are mine" said Valerie, and Michelle heard the voice falter. She saw Valerie's face drop, and realised it was now time to be her friend. There were only 3 other people there. All men. All well dressed, and, as Michelle found out, all associates who had known him over the years. Jonny seemed to be the closest to him. And he was quite chatty. Michelle found out that Jamie had been distraught when his marriage initially split up, and that in the last few years of his life, he seemed to have been much happier, and certainly brighter. She discovered that Jonny had known Jamie since college, and they had always been close but, with their lives going in different directions, he had lost touch a little over the last 5 years. Michelle smiled. Jamie really was a lone character, and, it seemed, that was just the way he liked it.

The doors to the church opened, and they made their way in. Michelle sticking close to Valerie. They slipped into the pews at the back of the church, and Michelle couldn't help thinking that the small congregation didn't seem right for what Valerie had described as such a well liked man. Valerie said nothing. She seemed lost. And Michelle could only hold her arm and say "I'm here ok" "Thank you" she replied weakly.

As the coffin came in, Valerie couldn't hold back her tears. She sobbed. And Michelle was slightly shocked at how deeply this woman was openly displaying her feelings of love for this man. She held her hand tightly, as the small congregation looked at Valerie and were clearly a little puzzled at the woman in the black dress. Valerie didn't care. She could finally let out all the emotions that had been building and growing in her. And she didn't care at all who saw it. Michelle watched the short skirted, fake tanned ex-wife Gemma looking over. As the service ended, Michelle couldn't wait to get Valerie away. She had a very definite feeling that Gemma wanted to do more than have a nice friendly chat. Valerie had at least regained some composure, and, as the doors opened, Michelle was glad they had chosen the back of the church to stand.

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