chapter 17

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Nialls pov

I walk through the apartments for payday. We are now at the one from mia and Greg. I am nervous about this. Louis rings the bell and a man opens the door.

"We have a few questions for you and your sister. Can we come in?" Louis asks. He nods and we get in. I see a boy age of 9 walking to us. "Dad that isn't tristan! Who are they?" He asks scared. "Right i got you a little something" i grab a stuffed animal and give it to him.

"You're theo right?" I ask and he nods. "How do you know his name?" Greg asks. "Cus i am the boss around here" louis says. "Greg! Why did you steal my dress?!" I hear a girly voice ask. "Cus i don't want you to go out tonight! Besides have you seen the dress?" He asks back.

She comes in and yeah we look a like. "What are your questions about?" Greg asks. "Your parents? Who were they and what happened?" They go pale.

"They were killed when we were young. Well Mia was baby and her twin was taken away. We were hiding in a closet. When we got out i saw them in cold blood. I went looking for our brother but no where to be found. May i ask why you are asking about my parents?" He asks.

"We can answer that later. Is this their graveyard?" Louis asks. They nod at the picture. "It's them Lou" i say even more scared. "Who are we?" Mia asks. "What was his name? The name of your brother?" I ask. "Niall... niall james horan" greg says. I feel everything falling apart.

It's them. "We are sorry for your parents. My name is Niall... Niall james horan. I was kidnapped when i was a baby by a lad named tyler. I have tried to find my parents but they're dead and then i found out about you" i say.

"Show us your passport or id" i grab it and show them. They are in shock to see it. "Its a real one" I say. "I TOLD YOU HE WOULD BE ALIVE!" mia suddenly yells. She hugs me but i pull away fast. "Not a hugger" i say. "Oh uh sorry" she says a bit a shame.

"It uh okay. Hey you still wanna live here or do you wanna live with our gang. You're safer there then here and he can have kids around him of his own age" louis suggests. "Do we have a choice?" Theo asks wisely. "Yeah you do. You're the only one who has a choice. Just don't tell anyone who the boss is" i say.

"Dad i don't even have my own room. I sleep with auntie Mia. She is home late and drunk sometimes" theo says. "He can share a room with Freddie my son. He is nice" Louis says.

"Yeah we can do that. I'd love that" Greg says and we nod. They start packing. "Do we still need to pay?" Mia asks. "No" i answer. "So we lied about who is in charge. I am" i say as we drive to the house.

"But you look so sweet and nice" theo says. "I know that is why no one expects it from me. I make the plans and the others just do it. Thats how you come on top" i explain. "Awesome!" I chuckle and nod.

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