Chapter 1

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There was a man who woke up like any normal day. He went to work like normally. While going to work he saw someone shouting: "Hey you! I'm telling you can get wings from magic". The man ignored him.
He got to work and he worked like normal.
When he went home he thought what the crazy man said. He thought: "What if i find that man that was shouting like crazy, he is crazy but i was dreaming having wings when i was younger. Maybe i should and maybe i shouldn't". He thought about that for a while.
The next day he went to the same spot where the crazy man was. He stayed there for a while but he didn't see him. After a while he saw the crazy man coming. The man saw him and said: " I saw you yesterday shout, I'm interested".
The crazy man said:"A brave one" said ironically "Come and i will show you the journey". The man answer :"Ok".

The man who got fairy wingsWhere stories live. Discover now