I think I want to date you

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While I sat there reading the book, I noticed Lelo looking at me with a smile. "Is the story really that interesting, or is there something on my face?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "No, you just look so pretty with your hair tied up." She said. That was when the butterflies returned. I was about to throw a pillow when she beat me to it. I was stunned. "Oh, you little rat!" I said. That is when she began leaving the tent and ran. I chased after her. We ran and laughed. She then tripped, and I came tumbling after. When we laid there after our fall, we laughed. "God, damnit Lelo your making me get dirt on my clothes so my mom will make we take a shower again." I said. We sat up a day. I looked at her. She moved her hand to touch my cheek. "Oh no, you have a small scratch." She said. She moved her thumb over the scratch. If I could blush like the characters in anime, I would be bright red. She smiled, and I melted. She stood up, removing her hand, and offered it to me to stand up. I took it and she walked me to my house and waited for me to unlock the door. She let me take a shower and change. Then, she got a bandage and placed it on my cheek. And let me tell you, I did not pull off the look. Like, wow, it looked so weird. After that, I poured some ice cream, and then, like she always does, she put on a horror movie.

When my parents came home, they greeted Lelo, and she left. When I looked at my parents, they looked upset. My mom pointed at my cheek. "Where did you get that?" She asked. "I fell while walking with Lelo." I said. She was not happy. "You were playing with her outside, weren't you?" My dad asked. I just took our bowls to the sink and washed the two. "You know you have so much potential then fooling around, so give us your book." My mom said. I just walked to my room and pulled out my myhs book. She and my father took a look at the answer booklet my mom had as she was a maths core teacher. When she was done, they made redo two questions and took away my phone again. They never show me how to do it they just made me do the question over again until it's right. But this time, I only had to do it once since I got it right in one go. I was so happy. Then we went to dinner and ate. When we were done, I just went to my room and read a book. The funny thing is that these methods do not get me a perfect score in all my test sure I get a few 80s here and there, but when it came to classes, my teacher had found something. My English teacher had told my parents I had gotten perfectionist tendencies. While my grade 4 art teacher said I had a lot of built-up stress that led to outbursts. My therapist said I had gotten more anxious every time I talked to my parents and said I had anger issues. But when my parents heard about the perfectionist, they said all the more to get perfect scores. And what my therapist led to a slap in the face or get brushed under the rug. Eventually, they got tired of the constant parent meeting with my therapist, so they got me a new one. And I made it clear to never ask my parents over as it would never work.

Eventually, I got a psychiatrist, and she diagnosed me with social anxiety and depression. I really had to get pills, and my parents wanted to ignore the prescription, but I begged them not to. So they did. All this for perfect test scores. And if I acted out, they threatened my meds. So I just started acting perfect. I got good art grade in 8 and 9. I worked hard on my stories. But I still got 80s. So these exams are my last chance to save my meds. So I just sat there until I got my phone. Which they gave me with my pills and water. After those, I just put on my pj's and later started watching youtube using my earbuds. By the next morning, I woke up with my phone playing my alarm. So I headed to the bathroom, took a shower, put on my towel and took my uniform, and went to my room to get ready. After that, I went to the kitchen and took a packet of oats from the kitchen. My parents had chosen the caramel box. After breakfast, I got my box and packed my lunch, which I made the day before. I waited for my parents to get into the living room. I played music on my earphones and played music. My mom walked up to me dressed for work she was driving me to school today, and I was not excited. When we got into the car, I put on my seatbelt. I went through my list of essentials to make sure I never left anything behind, and I didn't. So I told her I was ready and she started the car. When I got to school. I went to the register class. Thando and Sibongile were there, I sat next to them. "Girls have to tell you something?" I asked. They nodded their heads. "Well, I have a crush on Lelo, and the problem is that she likes someone else. And I'm nervous about meeting them today." I said they both exchanged looks, then encouraged me. "Listen, don't worry about the person. Just be happy to finally meet them. You'll like them. And if it never works out, you can ask her out." Sibogile said. They smiled, and I calmed down. Here goes my feelings. Love can be difficult

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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