~I have found the right person~ (2)

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"Why were you guys following me?"


Quackity asked as Luzu recovered from his eyes being burned as Wilbur layed flat on the floor, Quackity waited for an answer "Welllll, we heard about the fight, soooo" Luzu said as he scratched the back of his neck, Quackity playfully rolled his eyes as Wilbur gave him an envelope

 "We already know you're rich, but, we wanted to give you this.." Wilbur explained as he gave Quackity the envelope 

Quackity's eyebrows shuffled as he looked at the envelope, after a minute of looking at the envelope he heard a thud, Quackity flinched as he looked at his window, the window was open and Wilburs beanie being stuck on the knob

Quackity giggled as he walked over to the window and grabbed Wilburs beanie "Thanks for the new beanie Wilby!" Quackity thanked as he heard a scream coming from Luzu and Wilbur, probably getting attacked by mobs since he heard a Zombie groan

Quackity closed his window as he looked at the envelope, he opened it as he saw a bunch of money and a note 'We may not be rich, but we have a heart unlike those pathetic excuse of a fincé' Quackity giggled as small tears formed his eyes

He put the money on his safe as he framed the note, he looked out his window too see Wilbur and Luzu on top of a dirt tower getting swarmed by mobs, Quackity giggled as he plopped into bed and closed his heavy eyelids

"Good night, Quackity.."

"Good night.."



Words: 272

Ain't no way I made this shit chapter after I didn't update this book for ..... Uh... 2 weeks?? I think idk

QuackBur Oneshots!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora