Chapter Seven

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-Y/n's POV-

I quickly went into my room and locked the door

I threw myself into my bed and began sobbing- I felt disgusting

Suddenly I heard knocking at my window- not now I sighed, going over and opening it

I wiped the tears from my puffy face as the mysterious superhero boy helped himself into my bedroom

"Are you alright?" he questioned, following me to sit down on my bed

"I do look alright?" I shot back with a dirty look

"I know- I'm sorry" he said sadly "if it makes you feel any better I beat the shit out of those guys before they were arrested"

"That was you?" I questioned "I ran out of there so quick- I didn't even realize"

"You definitely should try out for track" he joked "I'm glad I found you" he said grabbing my hand

"Thank you" I said placing a kiss on his cheek which caused his face to turn a shade of pink, "can I know who my hero is?" I asked

"Not yet beautiful" he winked standing up and walking over towards the window, "please be careful- your friends were worried about you" he said before hopping out the window

I thought about what he had said and decided to pull out my phone and respond to the texts I had previously been ignoring- I should be happy I have people who care about me

Eric responded rather quickly, 'come to my room' he texted

I sighed as I rolled out of bed and walked over to his bedroom door, knocking quietly

"Come in dumbass" I heard from inside

I opened the door and walked over to Eric who was playing video games at his computer, "what's up" I asked plopping myself onto his bed

"What happened with you today?" he asked not looking away from his game

"Oh- I just needed some air" I said trying to sound believable

"That's not what Clyde told us" he said bluntly

I just sat there quietly, not knowing exactly what to say, I forgot everyone in this town had a huge mouth

"Craig is a dick- told you not to hangout with Tweek" he said still staring at the screen

"It's not Tweek's fault- he's a good friend to me" I said

"And why the fuck are you dating Kenny" he said finally turning towards me

"Because" I mumbled

"Whatever Y/n" he sighed "don't come crying to me when that poor piece of shit cheats on you"

"Okay" I sighed sadly

"You better get some tougher fucking skin- you're supposed to be a Cartman" he said turning back to his game

"Okay Eric" I said getting up and returning to my room

I locked the door and threw myself into my bed

Maybe I did need to get some thicker skin- I was sick of being walked all over- these people were going to meet a new Y/n tomorrow, I'm done being everyone's bitch

I plugged in my phone and rolled over

Finally getting to close my eyes, and quickly drifting to sleep

-Time Skip: Next Morning-

I woke up early and showered, walking back into my bedroom to get ready for school

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