It's different

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Eddie brought the drinks and they all talked about the good times in the past.....

"Well, everything changed since summer.... right!" Heather said.

"Yeah.... everything changed... except Eddie and Valerie!" Jason said.

"What do you mean?" Eddie asked him.

"Well, Heather bought an apartment and got a job, Adrianne is vibing with her boyfriend, I'm fine with my job here and.... "


"You're the only ones who have not progressed since highschool...." Jason said.

"That's totally offensive, we have progress, isn't that right Valerie?" Eddie asked to Valerie.

"Actually.... he's right...."

"What!?" Eddie looked confused.

"It's just like.... I like being the same.... but I really thought that you would change during the summer...."

"Well... I did change.... I lost one pound this year...."

"That's not that much of a change..." Heather said.

"Then what do you mean?"

"Well.... you still live with your mom and....."

"Having a glowup is not an excuse to abandon your parents!" Eddie scorned.

"Woah... chill man!" Jason interrupted.

"And I love my mom..... okay," Eddie continued.

"Then what's your body count?" Adrianne asked.

Eddie became silent.

"Uhm... that...." Eddie stuttered.

"Giving hand jobs to creepy guys doesn't count, Eddie!" Valerie said.

A laughter burst out in the room.

"Oh come on guys!" Eddie got embarrassed. "I'm waiting for my special one...."

"You're gonna wait for how long? 85?" Valerie said.

"I bet he's gonna walk down the aisle in a wheelchair!" Mark said.

"Guys.... what's so great about body counts, it's just a number. Not having sex is kinda the person's choice...." Heather said.

"Well.... life is short, you gotta act fast if you don't wanna die a virgin...." Mark said.

"That's not gonna happen...." Eddie said.

"We'll see." Mark said.

"So Adrianne, you've found the love of your life.... are you gonna marry?" Heather asked.

Adrianne and Mark looked at each other.

"Well.... uhm.... we haven't thought about it... we're taking things slow...." Adrianne said.

"Wow.... I really want you to get married and have kids.... I can't wait!" Heather giggled.

"Hey! Stop exaggerating!" Jason interrupted. "Just because they're dating doesn't mean that they're gonna end up together!"

Mark gave him a look.

"I mean..... they get..... pressurized.... you know...." Jason stuttered.

"Okay. This is becoming a snore fest. I'm this close to booing..." Valerie said.

"This discussion started with my virginity and now we're planning Adrianne's wedding...." Eddie said.

Everyone laughed.

"Uh... Jason, didn't you date my girlfriend?"

Everyone looked at Jason.

Heather mouthed the words 'you told him?' to Adrianne.

"Uh... yes..." Jason said.

"Then tell me, is she..... wife material? "

Eddie gasped.

"I- I'm.... I can't-" Jason stuttered.

"Mark please-" Adrianne tried to interrupt.

"Babe please. I wanna hear it from your ex..." Mark said.

"Well..... I don't like to categorize women into...... certain materials......"

"That was not the answer to my question."

"Let's not talk about this..." Heather said.

"I'm just asking that..... when you guys dated.... did you feel that she's the one?" Mark asked.

"I- I never thought that..... we were just..... dating...." Jason said.

Adrianne's face became pale.

"Oh really!.... Gosh I was so worried about you two being friends..... now it's okay..." Mark said.

Jason became glum.

"Well, I'm gonna get more beer.... Jason! Why don't you come with me?" Heather said.

Jason went with Heather.


"Why did you say that to him? Heather asked to Jason.

"Well, I know Mark is a dickhead and he's gonna ruin everything..... so just said that...."

"Do you feel the same?"

He became silent.

"You still love her don't you?" Heather said. "You're just afraid to tell her right....."

"Yeah.... but there's no point. It's too late now."

Both of them stared at the void.

"Everything's not the same right?" Heather asked.

"It's different now."

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