In de beninging

220 8 39

WARNING: Guns, (mild(?)Assault/Harassment, blood (but no drawing of blood-)

(This is Noir-Style AU, so there's not really Jolly Numberblocks- just- opposite.)

It was a normal day in Numberland. People were minding their own business, though it wasn't really sunny, people were happy. 

Men in an attractive suit, wearing a top hat were swaying with their lover. Street performers try to put smiles on every old and young one's face. Couples continue to love each other, even after they've become very poor still held to their vows. Everything was fine.

Detective One, a young prodigy who enjoyed solving riddles, eventually moved to mysteries, then actual crimes, was probably the reason why the town was at peace. Everyone feared her, yet loved her. Everyone adored her, and envied her. Right now, One was just staring at the ceiling listening to whatever was coming out of the radio.

"...where'd ya get those eyes? Where'd ya get those eyes? Lovely song wasn't it, everyone?" A nice, strong voice screeched out of One's radio. Mayor Twenty, One always has been suspicious of Mayor Twenty after an incident at a museum. "Lovely weather today, well, our definition of lovely weather's always cloudy. But we're expecting a little bit of sunshine today! Speaking of sunshine, here's a little song my mum sang back to me when I was young. Next we'll have our one and only explorer, Twenty-One to tell us about her story," A gentle strum of a ukulele seeped out the radio, calming the room's atmosphere, "You are my sunshine..."

Suddenly, some loud clanging. Surprised, One rushed to her window to see what the sound was.

"Oooo- oh, hello Dective One- no- I mean just One- I meant Detecti- sorry, are you on your shift?"

"It's alright, Ten and Three, I was just listening to the radio, not on my shift. You alright though?"

"Yeah, I'm alright," Thirteen gently rubs the back of his head, "I guess I was too focused looking at the radio's music, I wasn't hearing where I was going."

One silently stared at Thirteen, "What."

"Sorry- I just- gotta go now-" Thirteen aggressively scratches his head, gave One an awkward wave, then he left

"Bye Ten and Three!" One wave and chuckles.

One spins back to the chair to continue listening to the songs on the radio. Suddenly, someone busts out through the door. Surprised by the sudden noise, One pulls out her gun and was about the press the trigger when-

"Oh! Eighteen! Sorry, you have frightened me," One slowly placed down the gun, just in case of sudden moves.

"You got to help me, One! For real this time! Twelve is gone!" Eighteen was acting delirious.

One sighed, "You checked all the places Twelve usually is?" Eighteen nods.

"Rectangle Retreat?"


"Somewhere with Eleven, Ten and Three, Fourteen or Fifteen?"


"Twenty Four's?"




"Even at least her house?"

Eighteen gasps,"I forgot! Why didn't you say so?"

"Alright, let's go check their, Eighteen," One lets out one big sigh and go walk Eighteen to Twelve's house.

They reached Twelve's house. One wasn't surprised Twelve's door was locked. The only time Twelve locks her doors was when she was meditating. Other than that she welcomes everyone into her house, even Octonaughty and Big Tum.

The strange thing right now is that, Twelve usually listens to calming music, but the only thing the same podcast One was listening to a few minutes ago was continuing to fill Twelve's house.

"Do you Twelve's key, Eighteen?"

"No, Twelve wouldn't really trust me with her keys after I almost choked on it."

"Oh..." One rubs her chin, "Wait wha-"

"Lets not get into the details!"

"Do you have any wires?"

"Nope, Twelve wouldn't even give me pipe cleaners anymore after I almost choked on it."

One stares at Eighteen, "Huh."

"Forget it, let's just bust the window."

"WAIT- EIGHTEEN-" One tried to stop Eighteen from busting the window but it already looks like there was a broken window.

"I didn't break that!" Eighteen yells after he jumps through the window.

"O- alright." One awkwardly laughs and also steps into the window. She accidentally a tiny part of her finger from the glass but not harm was done much to her.

"TWELVE!" Eighteen screams. One flinched and almost fell into the pile of glass neatly placed next to the window. Odd... One ran to see where Eighteen was and saw Twelve lay unconscious.

 One ran to see where Eighteen was and saw Twelve lay unconscious

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Not me improvising my stories again

This isn't gonna get updated in awhile ;-;

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