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-My God, you've got too much crap in this attic, Joe.
-It's not just crap, there are memories here, you dumb thing. -Sav laughed slightly, to which the older man gave him a kind smile in return.
Joe had finally decided to move from his old residence to a new one, in Dublin, he couldn't stand the atmosphere that was breathed in Sheffield, nor the loneliness he felt being so close to the place where he had been so happy years ago, and where he was lately feeling miserable, and after considering moving as an option for many years, he had finally made the decision to leave, no matter how deep-rooted he was at that damn house. His spirit wasn’t the best, one way or another, Joe didn't want life to go by so fast, it had only been yesterday when the whole gang had moved into that house, they had all shared a big part of their lives in that old residence, and perhaps that was why Joe had taken so long to leave it behind. But the day had finally come to turn the page, he would have asked Phil or Vivian for help if they had lived closer, but for reasons of proximity, Sav was his best option. Sav was in fact the last to move, there were still some of his belongings in the dusty attic of the place, so Joe decided to take advantage of the situation to give him everything what had once been his.
The duo of friends got down to business, carrying boxes two by two into the truck, letting out some odd laughs as they relived crazy memories with the rest of their friends in every room of the house.
Apparently, while they were carrying the last boxes, a really old one caught Sav's attention, and he knelt down to examine the objects it contained with a somewhat nostalgic expression.
-I didn't know you still kept these things... -Sav looked sweetly at the box on which "SAV AND JOE'S STUFF 1983-1993" was written down in red ink. The atmosphere became somewhat melancholic for the older man,  for Sav, that box now was just the sweet memory of something that never came to be, for Joe it was the memory of what had been everything to him.
-Why wouldn't I keep them...?
-Well... I guess since it didn't work I had assumed that you would have gotten rid of everything...
-I would never get rid of these things... maybe not everything turned out as I expected, but we are still the best of friends, aren't we?- Sav smiled and nodded cheerfully, trying to improve his friend's visibly screwed up mood. An idea flashed through his head. He rummaged through all the objects in the box until he found a vinyl record, with an ancient appearance, he knew that only that could give Joe back that characteristic joy of his, with which once upon a time, he had fallen in love.
-I will not tolerate sad faces, we are going to make this new stage begin as God intended. -He took Joe's hand tightly, and led him to what was once their room, there was still the record player that Joe had given Sav for his birthday just one year before he left for his own home, and that he had completely forgotten. He took the damned record out of its case and blew on the surface of the record player with the intention of getting rid of the dust that was on it, then he put the record in the pot, and tried to make it play.
-Sav...Stop it... -There he was, behaving like that damn 20 year old Idiot he fell in love with.
-No, I don't want you to leave this house in a bad mood... All of us left to start a new, happier stage, and I'm not going to allow you to leave with a bitter last memory. -finally the record player began to play.

"You can dance
Every dance with the guy
who gives you the eye
Let him hold you tight”

Sav tried to pull Joe closer to him, but the older man refused to accept such a gesture. -Come on Joe... Do it for me, you know I hate to see you sad...
-Sav I can't even dance anymore... I'm too old for that...
-Shut up old curmudgeon. -Joe gave in, and let Sav sink into his arms, he took a couple of breaths before finally meeting his gaze with thé one belonging to the man he used to love when he was younger, the one he had called his lover one day, but because of the fear of being hated or beaten up, he had had to start calling "best friend". He let himself be carried away by the melody without taking his gaze from Sav's, there were already wrinkles in his skin, his eyes were more tired than they would have been in the past, but the brightness they emanated every time Joe was around was still present day after day, and even more so when they were so close that they could feel each other's breath on the fabric of their clothing. And he felt back in the 83’.
                                    ( . . . )

"You can smile
Every smile for the man
Who held your hand
'Neath the pale moonlight'

Sav's bright blue eyes caught him, the two young men had sworn that every night they would dance (if that mess of tangled steps and stumbling could be considered dancing) to the rhythm of that record that Joe had found lying on the corner of the street near the tobacco store, until they died. Joe was a lousy dancer, mediocre and with no talent at all for dancing, Sav on the other hand, was a battle dancer, he could keep up and even stand out a bit from the crowd of mediocre dancers in Sheffield, but he he was carried away by the mess that was his partner. They were so into each other that sometimes they didn't even hear the background music, preferring to just focus on each other's caresses and kisses.
                                       ( . . . )
-Why did we stop doing this...?-Sav's nose collided with Joe's from so close that they were each other, two smiles like two half moons adorned their faces as they reminded themselves of twenty years back, dancing disastrously in that same room, with that same record playing on loop.
-Because we weren’t brave enough...
-...And is it too late to be brave, Joe?
-...Of course not...

“But don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
so darling'
Save the last dance for me”


Another Saviott fast Story! Not a great one but i needed to post something since i was already missing posting new stories.
Hope you like it btw!

Otra historia Saviott rapidilla, no es genial pero necesitaba subir algo por que ya empezaba a echar de menos subir historias nuevas.
Espero que os guste, por cierto!

Y perdón por seguir subiendo un inglés, es que en español suena muy vasto... :')

Save the last dance for me -SAVIOTT-Where stories live. Discover now