Hunting with Kaitlyn.

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Kumori's POV:

I wake up, staring at the ceiling as the events of yesterday come back to me. Groaning, i roll over and hide under the blanket, until i hear a very loud crash in the kitchen. Startled, i get up and run to the kitchen, to reveal Kaitlyn surrounded by fruit and a few other ingredients.

Sighing, i ask. "The hell happened?" To which Kaitlyn sheepishly rubs her neck and gives a closed eye smile. "I was attempting to make breakfast...but i ended up dropping everything.."

I shake my head and start cleaning the mess, telling Kaitlyn to clean the table since ill make the food. She nods and walks out of the kitchen. After about half a hour i bring out the food, some soup with veggies since she didn't have many things to cook.

After we eat, I throw on my cloak as Kaitlyn runs around looking for something. "What are you looking for?" "My bow! I lost it...I just had it last night.."

" you mean the one in the guest room closet..?" "..oh-" She runs into the guest room and runs out with her bow, putting it on her back. We head out, walking to the forest.

'....I'm just realizing, in my world, i probably died by spending the night with a complete stranger...although i guess it IS my dream, so it makes sense that i wouldn't die.' Making it to the forest, we walk in as Kaitlyn leads the way, 'seems like she knows her way around..' For a hour or so, we hunt a few animals in the forest, when suddenly something comes running, and I mean RUNNING AT TOP SPEED at me.

Crashing into me as i fly backwards and into a rock, coughing a little blood. 'damnit- this isn't a dream is it...? don't think feeling this much pain in a dream is possible..-' Looking up, I see Kaitlyn attempting to hold off what looks like a giant boar, kinda failing as shes skilled is long combat, not close combat.

Slowly standing up while clutching my side, i watch the boar, trying to see how it fights, when i suddenly hear a voice in the back of my head. "use fire, its weak to fire."

Trusting the voice, I lift my arm and point it at the boar, as my palm tingles as the fire circle appears. "imagine how you want it to work, that will make it stronger." Hearing that, I close my eyes and imagine the boar going up in flames. Then I open my eyes and cast the spell, and exactly the voice said, it was way stronger than what i had casted yesterday while learning with Linda. The boar went up in flames, killing it basically instantly.

Kaitlyn just stood their in shock as I limp over. "excellent job. Hopefully you'll see the truth of this world soon." Now confused, I grab Kaitlyn's arm and drag her out of the forest. She soon recovers from her shock and helps me walk, taking me to a healer who heals my wounds. Kaitlyn gives them a small pouch of coins and we walk out.

"You okay? That boar hit you pretty hard...also how did you cast a spell without a incantation?? I thought all mages need to say them!" 'incantation? Linda said them while showing me the mages really need to say them?'

"I'm..not sure?" I smile awkwardly, as I hear that voice again, "You said it without a incantation because you have natural magic, unlike most of the mages here. Most learn magic and need to say said incantation. People with natural magic in them, can cast spells without the incantation." Sighing, I look up at the nearly night sky.

'Who the actual fuck is this voice-' "So! Do you need money or something to get a room at the Inn?" I look over at her and nod as she hands me a fairly big bag of silver coins. "u-uh- isn't this too much?- Don't you need money too?" She chuckles and explains she already has enough money from commissions from the Adventurer Guild, she also has a 'light bulb moment.'

"You should join the Guild! They pay you for commissions and you get a small house to stay in!" I think over it for a minute and soon agree. "Very well, point me in the direction?" She gives me directions and I begin walking to the Guild.

I walk into the Guild and walk up to the woman at the front. "Hi, I'd like to join this guild." "Ah! Okay! I'll need you to put your hand on this slab, it'll tell me your stats and allow me to make you a guild card." I nod and put my hand on the slab, a blue screen pops up and it shows all my stats.

She nods and makes the card, handing it to me and telling me about the small house and where its located. I thank her and leave, since its dark out. I walk to the location she said the house was at, eventually I make it there and look at the house, I smile slightly and go inside. Looking around, there's a small kitchen fully stocked, a bedroom with a bathroom, and a small living room.

I put my cloak on a chair, along with my bag as I walk to the kitchen and make some dinner. After eating i go take a nice shower, doing normal shower stuff, I soon get out and walk into the bedroom, I lay down in a oversized shirt and shorts that were in the closet. "...Well today was quite interesting. I still want to know what that voice I keep hearing I insane?" "This also isn't a I actually went to another world...what's the term for this again...isekai? or something? I don't know." I yawn and roll over onto my side, covering up. Staring at the wall I swear I see a tall black figure, using a light spell I light up the room, revealing nothing. I sigh. "I'm seeing things...I'm probably sleeping deprived.." Laying back down and curling up, I close my eyes. Slowly falling asleep.



sheesh, longest chapter I've ever done, 1000+ words!

please leave feedback on this story so far, and any ways I could possibly improve it, also I'm completely aware this can be cringe in some ways, I'm sorry if it is 😅

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2023 ⏰

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