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* EVA *

"It hurts to remember how close we were back then."

I hurt him but I hurt myself more for talking to him like that.

You just wanted to get him away from you.

But it's not like he is here for me. Maybe he came back because of some work and all. We just met today by coincidence and that's all.

Do you really think it's a coincidence again?

I will try to make distance from him. We will never meet again, not even by coincidence.


After we got out of the meeting room and far from the sight of Aidan, we sorted out everything.

Sam told me that he called me darling earlier because he got the sense that something was wrong. He also explained that Aidan was continuously staring at me,so he thought I might not be comfortable with that. That's why he called me darling and told him that I am his fiance.

I also played along.

Well, it's not his fault. He was worried about me and I appreciate it.

That's why I decided to tell Sam everything. He listened to me very patiently.

Sam understood my situation and told me that he will be by my side whenever I will need him.


"You what?"

Sarah choked on her water. Of course, it is shocking for her. I gave her every detail of what happened today. I was exhausted.

"Aidan came back? But wait- why would he came back after whole three years?"
She said by making a confused face but then she smirked.

"I also have no idea about his intention.Maybe he is just here to do business." I was just thinking about her reaction, it was... I don't know.

"It can't be coincidence again."

"I think we are assuming things. It's not like he came for me. The reason can be anything you know."

"I know. But then why would he call you Angel?"

Sarah had a point. He called me by that nickname. If he is really here for business then why did he try to -

No. Even if he has any intentions to do something,I don't care at all. I have to show him that I don't care.

"Don't worry Sarah I won't fall for his ploy again. I learned a lesson from him."



After I rushed back to my building, the first thing I had done was recheck the information about Francis , I had done earlier because of the deal.

But how didn't I got know about their engagement?

If they are really engaged, then I should have gotten to know about it. But I didn't get any updates about their engagement as I kept my men watching over her.

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