Answer the question

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What am I to you?

 1. Violent

 2. I'd marry you

 3. Sweet

 4. Hot

 5. Talkative

 6. Tall..

 7. Amazing

 8. Funny

 9. Fun

 10. Perfect

 11. I love you

 12. I miss you

 13. Special, unique, and weird

 14. Random

 15. You're the best

 16. I'd date you!

 17. Cute

 18. Gorgeous

 19. Best friend

 20. I want a relationship

 21. I would take a bullet for you

 22. I would catch a grenade for you

 23. Just die already

 25. your annoying

 26. I'd run you over with a bus

Ask AlexDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora