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Roxanne froze. "It's not what it looks like Roxan-" I try to say while getting up. "I won't say anything to anyone if you help me out Y/N, that's why I came here. My servant is missing so I have no one to do my bidding and she was usually her arguing with Montgomery." "Her? She quit." Monty said. "When?" Roxanne asked. "A few hours ago after you overheard her saying that you're overbearing and full of yourself." Monty explained. Damn, don't know if I wanna go now... "Well anyways, come on now Y/N." "Yes master.." I said jokingly while getting up, I got a glimpse of her face being red. "Hurry up Y/N!"

I went I to her backroom and got her her nightgown and handed it to her. "Huh? I ain't doin that, that's your job." She said. My face turned beat red, SHE WANTS ME TO UNDRESS HER?!?! "U-um.. alright." I take off her make up, her shoes, her chokers, her shirt, her belt, then her skirt. "What's wrong?" She asked. "N-nothin.." I carefully put on the gown on her and she sat down. I put her slippers on then she went to her backroom," That's all I need you for, byyyeeee!!" I sighed then walked off.

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