Prologue - The Beginning

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???: Earth.

The planet full of life and energy like no other planet in the universe. A planet always such full of wonders that not the average human would understand. And it was this world...

A miracle...

And a curse would be born here.

-The scene suddenly shifts to a lone hospital on Earth as it shows a young baby girl as she giggles showing a bright light that surprises the people in the hospital. It soon shows the Earth rotating as the mysterious voice continued his explanation as it shows people that are doing some unique abilities.

After the first case in the young nation of China, more and more cases began to arose about similar abilities across the world. Over time these "quirks" would soon become the day to day occurrence... And this is would be where the identity known as heroes, will come to be. As the Era of Quirks first began, crime and violence began in the streets as it seemed like there was no end in sight for the villains. But this is where the people would find their fighting champion...

The Symbol of Peace: All Might.

-The scene then shows a blonde haired man who's basking in the light as he looks back at the camera with a major smile on his face.

Once he arrived, the world knew that they have found their people's champion and he protected the world with an iron fist... But as time went on, heroes started to care more about the money and fame rather than rescuing people... And this would later pave the way...

For the next... Great... Autobot.

Present Day...

-The scene then shifts to a park in modern day Mustafu, Japan. It shows at least a number of 5 small children in the playground area... But, most of them were beating up a small green boy with black highlights as he's currently crying. This young boy... Was Izuku Yagi.

Izuku Yagi was the son of the Number 1 hero in Japan, the number 3 hero in the world, and was proclaimed as the Earth's Symbol of Peace

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Izuku Yagi was the son of the Number 1 hero in Japan, the number 3 hero in the world, and was proclaimed as the Earth's Symbol of Peace. Izuku always had the heart of a hero, and had a lot of proof to back that up. He always studied his heroes and he never backed down from becoming a hero to begin with. Two of his favorite heroes in his life were just so happened, and even though he has no clue, All Might and Tatsumaki, AKA his parents Toshinori and Inko Yagi. Even though he didn't know, he loved his parents just as much as he loved All Might and Tatsumaki, which always made the parents really happy. He was also the proud big brother of his little sister Izumi, and these two were inseparable, the two of them always worked and strived to be heroes together. But of course there was then the knowledge of Izuku...

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