Age of ultron

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Announcer: [announcement over speaker, set over Wanda and Pietro holding hands]

Pietro and Wanda sit closer
(Thor: who are they?
Are they you?)thor points at Pietro and Wanda they just shrug

Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack.

(Tony: who are they and who's attacking them?)
Peter and Ned are already really excited

We are under attack. [the Avengers are in the process of infiltrating a HYDRA base in Sokovia, making their way through the woods and fighting soldiers]

Bucky: hydra . He scoffs and looks down at his feet

Tony Stark: [Tony, flying up to the base in his suit, hits a forcefield.] Shit!

Steve Rogers: Language!

All avengers laughing except Steve

JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?

JARVIS: The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken.

Thor: Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last.

[Natasha knocks out some soldiers]

Natasha Romanoff: "At long last" is lasting a little long, boys.

Clint Barton: [as some soldiers shoot at him] Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise.

Tony:no shit

Tony Stark: Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "language?"

Avengers all laugh again

Steve Rogers: I know. [Steve throws his bike at some soldiers driving up in their truck]

Clint:that's got to hurt

It just slipped out.

[at the HYDRA Research Base, Sokovia, Eastern Europe]

Strucker: Who gave the order to attack?

Fortress Soldier: Herr Strucker, it's the Avengers.

Other Fortress Soldier: They landed in the far woods, the perimeter guard panicked.

Clint:I can imagine he would

Strucker: [to List] They have to be after the scepter. [to the soldier] Can we hold them?

Peter:probably not
He whispered to his friends

Fortress Soldier: They're the Avengers!

Strucker: Deploy the rest of the tanks.

Fortress Soldier: Yes, sir.

Strucker: Concentrate fire on the weak ones. A hit can make them close ranks. [talking to Dr. List] Everything we've accomplished... But we're on the verge of our greatest breakthrough.

Dr. List: Then let's show them what we've accomplished. Send out the twins

Steve:What twins?

Nat: probably the ones at the start

Strucker: It's too soon.

Dr. List: It's what they signed up for.

Strucker: My men can hold them.

Tony:no they can't

[Stark flies to the HYDRA base to break in]

Jarvis: Sir, the city is taking fire.

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