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This one's for you _eye-in-the-sky_ & supu1224 ♥️

I love fan fiction! It's not something I admit out loud and my bandmates have no idea that I read them. Not just as an ironic thing. I devour them. That's my dirty little secret.

Now, reading fan fiction about myself is just cringe. I tried those at first and I don't think I've ever felt more uncomfortable in my life.

Reading about my bandmates? It's an addiction. A guilty pleasure.

I've tried different ships but it just makes me laugh. The thought of Louis and Liam as a couple is hilarious to me. Harry and Zayn? No! Harry and Louis on the other hand, that's when it gets interesting.

I'm not a total creep. The smut I usually skip unless it's crucial to the story. I just enjoy all these millions of stories where everything and anything happens. I think alternative universe fics are my favorite. The authors pour their heart and soul into their writing and some of them are really good. I cried to a lot of them.

Tired, tired sea I bawled my eyes out to. Young and Beautiful is great! Unbelievers almost gave me a heart attack. "Fuck, you're tight" is right to the gay point.

I never thought I would write fan fiction myself because why would I write stories including myself? Talk about a God complex. I never considered myself much of a writer anyway. Then a pandemic hit and I was bored out of my mind. All my shows got canceled and I found myself alone in my big house. I couldn't golf. I had no inspiration to write new music. I had too much free time on my hand so I decided to write a fanfic.

I guess I could have chosen another fandom to write about but I'm not invested in any tv-shows and it felt weird to write about other artists so I just went with what I know. It was silly and it wasn't as if I was planning on posting my story publically.

Then I had too many Guinness one night and one thing led to another. When I woke up the next morning I didn't remember my shenanigans the night before and it took me about a week or so to remember what I had done.

It took me forever to log into Wattpad. I was relieved that I had been smart enough to create an anonymous mail account. I had even chosen a clever name, itstilliswhatitis.

I was about to delete my story Figure it out but when I realized that no one had read it I reconsidered. There were millions of stories on this app. Why would anyone read mine? I could just continue to write stories to keep track of them without having them on my computer where someone could find them. I didn't want to be forced to come up with an explanation for why I had written a story about my old bandmates.

Happy with my decision and loads of other story ideas in my head I wrote another one and another after that. I had fun doing it. I made myself the number one Larry shipper because God's honest truth, those two hadn't been together without my help.

Now, I have something of an addictive personality. When I find something I'm passionate about I go all in. It's the same with my music and my golf playing. After I had written ten stories I set a goal for myself. I would write 100 Larry fics.

I started to explore different parts of the fanfiction world and stumbled upon the Alpha Beta Omega universe. With an idea in mind, I started to write smut for the first time. I spent half of the time screaming into a pillow because I had just hit a new low. Corona really brought the worst out of me. Here I was writing sex scenes about my friends! Then I realized that fiction Harry and Louis wasn't the real deal and it got easier.

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