Ramira: TOH OC

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This right here, is Ramira. They don't really have a last name yet, because, well, they aren't necessarily part of a family.

However, there's been one person that Ramira has come to appreciate and care for like a brother: Hunter

[For context in this image, both of them heard an airplane for the first time and FREAKED OUT.]

(Credit to mellon_soup for BOTH pose references!!!)

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(Credit to mellon_soup for BOTH pose references!!!)


Not much is known about their past. Not even they know. All they knew was that they spent their whole life beside Hunter in the Emporer's Coven.

Because of this, they actually grew fond of one another, and consider each other exactly like siblings would. They annoy each other, but deeply care, and would DESTROY anyone that hurt the other.

I should've probably mentioned this earlier, but Ramira is, of course, a crazed bisexual, and is actually ace!

Ramira is quick-witted and often dives headfirst into things, often times without thinking.

While they are cunning, sometimes common sense lacks, especially in the Human Realm. But over time, they will learn the ins and outs.


And another distinct thing about them is that, unbeknownst to EVERYONE... Ramira is part Titan! How we see that part of them come out, we'll have to wait and see.

But here's a glimpse as to what they look like in the middle of their transformation.

But here's a glimpse as to what they look like in the middle of their transformation

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As for a love interest? Hm... good question. They may not have one, but only time will tell. Who knows? Maybe they will?

Or maybe they won't?

But I think that's all the introduction that's needed to this handsome little bugger.

So I bid you adieu. For now...





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