Back to work

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                                                       The next morning

Marvin woke up the next morning groaning in annoyance as the morning light hit his face. He looked up at the ceiling sighing softly. He knew today was the day to get back to work and he didn't like the idea, but he had to fix what he caused. He rolled himself out of bed and exited his room, making his way down the stairs, and into the kitchen. Evelien looked over at him from the table smiling softly. Marvin walked over to the table and sat down next to her, returning the smile.

"How were you and Anti's night last night? Did you guys have fun!" Evelien said, her smile never leaving.

"It was fun. Anti had loads of fun. He fell asleep last night resting on my arm during the movie. I must've tired him out from all that fun." Marvin said, chuckling a bit.

Evelien laughed a bit as well; she was glad that Marvin and Anti had fun last night, but they both knew that Marvin had to get back to work working on that antidote to turn Anti back. Evelien was currently waiting for everyone to wake up for breakfast in the meantime while Marvin waited he went upstairs to take a shower. Evelien decided to get everything out for pancakes. She got all the ingredients out of the fridge and started making the batter. Once the batter was made she grabbed a pan and put a bit of butter on it so the pancakes wouldn't stick to the pan. She then started to make pancakes for everyone as she was making them. Marvin came back into the kitchen to make some coffee. While he was getting coffee prepared Henrik stepped into the kitchen surprised to see the magician up so early, but he didn't ask instead he sat down at the coffee table and read his daily newspaper. Marvin sat down as well and sighed softly today was going to be a busy day for him and he knew it.

Once everyone was fed Marvin was in his room thinking of formula's he didn't use he wrote them down and grabbed the ingredients he needed to get started with. Marvin put them in a bowl and started to mix them together. Once it was properly mixed he grabbed the important piece of the antidote and poured it in, but it soon started to boil Marvin's eyes widened.

"Oh shit..." Marvin said, as it blew up in his face.

Marvin coughed and started fanning the smoke out of his face. He walked over to the window and opened it, fanning out the rest of the smoke in his room. He sighed softly he got the antidote wrong again, but he needed to keep trying. He soon started hearing footsteps rushing up the stairs; he knew exactly who that was. Evelien opened the door to see Marvin's face covered up in ashes. Evelien frowned slightly to see Marvin frustrated that he got the antidote wrong again. She smiled softly and walked over to the magician. She could tell he was trying to get it right. He's been working on it for the past couple of hours and she can tell how aggravating it is.

"You're doing great, Marv! I know you can do it." Evelein said, smiling happily.

"I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I've been working on this for 3 hours now. Why does it keep blowing up in my face? Literally!" Marvin said, pointing at his face covered in ashes from the explosion.

Evelien smiled softly, "It's going to get messy, but don't give up. Maybe it's the wrong antidote to use? Or it could be that you're not using proper ingredients." Evelien said, picking up the sheet of paper he wrote the antidote on off his desk to examine it.

Marvin sighed softly, wiping his face off with a rag, "I don't know. It could be the wrong formula. I'll keep looking into it."

Evelien nodded and set the sheet of paper back down on his desk. She gave Marvin a reassuring hug before walking out of the room. Marvin sighed softly, grabbing a book from his bookshelf. He opened it and started to do more research.

Marvin groaned in frustration he didn't find anything new in any of the books. He looked through all his books and didn't find anything new at this point he started to grow helpless he walked over to his bed and plopped down looking up at his ceiling.

"What am I going to do now?! I haven't found anything new in any of my books and I've been looking through them for 2 hours! How come I didn't find anything?!" He thought to himself, running his fingers through his hair.

He sighed softly thinking of how he can fix this, "There's still a week left and I'm wasting time! Jack is going to come home to see Anti as a toddler! I really fucked up this time...I should've just let it go, but instead I wanted revenge more than anything!"

He sat up and sighed, "I really took things too far...I shouldn't have done this now I can't fix it, what am I going to do now?...."

Marvin got up from his bed and went over to his desk, picking up the sheet of paper he wrote the previous formula on, "Am I missing something important? What would it even be?"

Marvin set the sheet of paper back down and frowned, "I can't give up now I've been working so hard on making things right. I've come this far, I just gotta think more and try harder!"

Marvin decided a little break was an order. He walked out of his room and made his way down the stairs, and into the living room. When he entered he saw Henrik and JJ sitting on the couch watching a black and white film. He walked over to the couch and sat next to Henrik sighing softly. The doctor immediately knew how stressed the magician was and looked over at him.

"You okay, Marvin? You seem a little stressed out." Henrik asked, frowning slightly at the magician.

"I'm fine, Hen. I'm just...a little aggravated is all..." Marvin replied, waving his hand at the doctor.

"Marvin, I'm a doctor. I know vhen my patients are not doing vell." Henrik said, looking at Marvin strenly.

The magician sighed softly, he knew he can't lie his way out of this one.

"It's this damn antidote! I can't seem to get it right and I'm running out of time. Jack will be home in a week and I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I looked through all my books and found nothing new. I've tried basically everything!" Marvin replied, groaning in frustration.

"Have you tried making the antidote the opposite of the spell you casted on Anti?" Henrik asked, thinking of ways to help out the magician.

"I did everything, Hen! I don't know what I'm doing wrong! I've never used a spell that turns your brother into a toddler!" Marvin said, rubbing his face with his hands.

Henrik only nodded at the magicians reply, "Is it a spell that vill just wear off on its own?"

"God I hope not! Then I'll be even more fucked!" Marvin said, sighing softly.

JJ looked over at the magician and smiled softly, putting up his hands to sign, 'Don't worry you got this Marvin! Don't give up, keep trying!'

"Thanks, JJ. I appreciate it. I just...I don't understand what I could be possibly doing wrong! I've tried everything!" Marvin said, leaning back on the couch. "I just don't wanna fail anymore than I already have..."

"Failure is a normal thing you face, Marvin. You can't give up so easily on it; zhere's always a solution to your problems." Henrik said, putting his attention back on the TV.

JJ nodded in agreement, 'You just gotta keep working! Things won't work out the way you plan them to go, but it's something you can't give up on.'

Marvin sighed softly, he knew they were both right, maybe he just wasn't thinking hard enough. He decided to head back up to his room, thanking Henrik and JJ for the little encouragement. He made his way back up the stairs and entered his room. He closed the door behind him and made his way back over to his desk. He sat down and sighed, picking up the pencil. It was already 4PM and time was running short.

"This is going to be a long week."  He thought to himself, as he got back to work.

A/N~ Here's the next chapter! I have 4 more days until the race and I'm hoping to get the next chapter done before I leave. If not I'll do it or finish it when I get back. Thank you so much for getting this book to 1k reads. I appreciate it a lot! I didn't think this story would get so far. I'm still a bit shocked that it's gotten this far. Thank you all so much and I'll see you in the next chapter! <3 

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