Part 5

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A week has passed~ Dazai has woken up and is all fresh, but the note that Fyodor slid into his hat had been blown away..Now the agency has a mission to find out who had planned all of the party and capture them,All of the agency has gone since it nearly killed most of them.

Atushi pov :

I spun on my chair waiting for atleast somebody to find any evidence or trace, Ranpo doing no work but focusing on a chocolate donut, the window was open which made a light breeze, the blinds swaying in action with the wind, it seemed to bother nobody but me, the papers on my desk which had been put there by yosano blew when the wind picked up, Dazai closed the window and said ''get to work maid'' i looked at him disgusted and started picking up all the pieces of loose papers until i saw a file..''guys what is this?'' kunikida spun on his chair around to look  i gave him the file, he pushed his glasses up with his middle finger, he opened it to see a usb plug in.. I gathered around his computer as he plugged it in. a man came up kind of lagging  and then he says.. ''do you need any spare plasters from the attack'' i stare at the screen.. then ranpo finally does something and starts clicking random buttons on the keyboard then boom. The location

Well.. It must be the person that attacked the party because.. he werent the man who made the party and nobody else knew.. so he must be the person. 

to be continued..

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