Chapter 3

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Oh, if only weekends were longer.

It had been such a lovely time, what with Spencer's brother having stayed for a bit, back from college. That, plus the fact that her dad had been home after going away on business. After all, it was usually just Spencer and her mum, when she wasn't working. So to be with her whole family for once was a nice change.

But nevertheless, school called for Spencer on the Monday morning, in the form of her ferocious alarm clock. As it rang out, she stretched slowly, releasing a huge yawn, and sleepily made her way across her room, to begin to mentally prepare herself for the week ahead. First and foremost, was her impulsive desire to stay away from that Ashton Irwin - he was bad news.

After waking to school with Laura and having their weekly chat and catch up, they entered the parking lot; and, just like every other week, started to walk over to the main entrance. That is, until a sleek, black BMW pulled up directly beside them, followed by a grinning Ashton Irwin, who leant out the drivers window. After leaving Spencer with a wink, he screeched away, to pull into his usual spot; directly opposite.

"I swear, can he get any creepier?!" puffed Laura, before readjusting her bag, and walking in with Spencer, who just turned away and continued on, as though nothing had happened. Laura looked her in the eye suspiciously, before turning and confronting her friend. "Hey, look I know you don't exactly like being miss centre of attention around here, but seriously, why does he bug you so much?" Spencer first stared at her with an exasperated expression, and then said, "I don't know okay, he just makes me feel uncomfortable...there's something about him..." She trailed off, looking over at him as he and his minions were spilling out of his car, all with an unbareably arrogant air about them. "Everyone knows that not to mess with him anyway. They say he's dangerous - I wouldn't be surprised." She hurried as she shook herself back to reality and hurried to the labs for Biology. She quietly made for a back table, just like any other lesson.

With a sigh and a clear effort to stay hidden, she slipped into the seat on the back row, hoping to just blend in and avoid her teachers questions. It was precisely then that Mr Lombardo, there Biology teacher, had a rather deep voice, which boomed out at the person at a person to which it was directed. The very person who had just walked into the room.

If Spencer could sink any lower in her seat, she would have. Because it was, of course, the one and only Ashton Irwin, surrounded by a swarm of his usual cronies. "What time do you call this, Irwin?" Sir asked, understandably in a frustrated manner. "Well, I call this 9:14, Sir." he smirked, "Anything else I can help you with this morning?" He was always so full of attitude and sarcasm. Mr Lombardo gave him a stern look, before calmly replying, "Oh don't worry, I will. In the mean time, you can sit with Miss Clarke, over at that desk." He stated, pointing at the empty seat next to Spencer.

Oh no. No, no, no. This cannot be happening right now.

She shoved her rucksack down onto the floor next to her, in order to make space for him, and sheepishly turned her head so that her long, waving, coffee coloured hair fell, creating a kind of veil between them. The sound of feet slowly scuffing along the floor made its way over to Spencer, until a bench stool was pulled out and straddled by her apparently new lab partner. Taking a few deep, steady breathes, she turned to face the front and was prepared to completely ignore the grunting, rude teen next to her.

That was until he had to just open his mouth and make a comment, as though he couldn't contain it.

"Why, hello are looking mighty fine today". At the sound of his voice, she immediately turned her head and looked him directly in the eyes. His twinkled and crinkled in an almost innocent fashion. With his ruffled, golden hair pointing every which way, there was almost a friendly air about him. But with a single glance down to his lips, as plump as they were, they formed the most arrogant of smirks. Instead of rising to it, Spencer decided to simply ignore him and referred to her original plan.

"You can ignore me all you want, gorgeous, but God knows how long I'll be forced to sit here, so I'd get comfortable, if I were you." She could hear the grin behind his words without looking, and whilst dying a little inside, she gathered her own composure and sat as though she was intently focused on Mr Lombardo's lesson.

Being forced to sit next to THE most self-centred guy she'd ever met, in one of their most important classes, had to be a joke. But from Mr Lombardo's continuous glares at Ashton, it was clear that he was in fact not joking.

Could this get any worse?!

HELLO CHILDREN! I'm super sorry it took us so long to update, after next week, the updates will definitely become more frequent to don't you worry ;) the reason we haven't updated recently is because Anna and I are in the middle of our exams and they're important because we need to get into sixth-form:)

thank you for being patient, comment, vote, spread the word, so yeah... YEET

thanks for reading:))) <--- double chins


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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