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Error's POV:

"What are you doing here?"

"What's with the unrad tone glitchy?"

"For one, don't call me that. Two, any time you're around, all you do is annoy me with your lingo and invade my personal space for no good reason."

"Who says it's for no good reason?"

He dropped his lingo. Since when..?

"Okay then tell me your reason."

"I can't enjoy a rad bro's company?"

"Shut up parasite. If I can see through Ink's pitiful, playful facade I can see through yours. What's the real reason?"

He approaches me lowering his sunglasses.

"No need for hostility my friendo. I really do just enjoy your company."

I blink. I don't think he's lying. But enjoying my company?

He removes his sunglasses completely and shoves them in his pocket.

"How does anyone enjoy my company?"

"I know how you feel broski! You're oh so lonely, convinced that the only things you're used to will satisfy ya. But you know deep down that they don't. And you're subconsciously reaching out for someone, anyone, to show ya any kind of affection."

"Get out."

"Whoa, no need to get angry brah."

"I have every need! You don't get to tell me how I feel! That's none of your business! Get out!"

"I just wanted you to know that there's someone out there who understood you. I'd give anything to have someone understand me."

Fresh spoke sadly, without lingo again. My eye twitched.

"Are you trying to be friends with me?"

Just the idea of it got on my nerves.

"Would that really be so bad?"

"With you? Yes!"

I'm engulfed in a hug from him almost making me crash.

"Let go of me if you value your life!"

"I value yours more than mine."

I'm shocked.


"It's true."


He kisses me. I go to hit him, but I see a tear roll down his cheek. What's wrong with him?

He pulls away and looks into my eyes.

"I have feelings for you Error."

I nearly short circuit. So he's been trying to show me he cares about me because he has feelings for me. He's so confident he knows me that he thinks I'll accept his confession. Yet...

I've never seen him like this. Can I see more?

Okay. I'll play along for now. Let's see where this goes.

"What kind of feelings?"


"Show me."

He took me on a romantic date. I was bored. I'm not that into him. Although I did enjoy what he did just for me.

By the end of it, he took me to my room that was surrounded by candle light and rose petals. I crashed.

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