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Romeo's point of view.

Having been freshly banished from the small town of Verona for killing Tybalt, I set off on my horse with minimally packed bags towards the town of Mantua, my mind full of nothing but thoughts of my lady and lover, Juliet.

I longed to see her at least one more time. Nay, how dare I lie to myself like that, I am addicted to Juliet like a drug, I long to breathe the air she does, I dream of nothing but touching her soft skin or kissing her smooth lips.

If I get even a taste of her I will always beg for more, no matter if it costs my life. Eventually, I reached the sign marking the edge of the town of Mantua and turned my horse around quickly, making up my mind that I would rather die than never be able to see my love again.

I pushed my horse to its limits as I rode as fast as I possibly could back to Verona where I knew Juliet would still be. The grassy scenery raced past me as I felt the wind race in my hair as I rode along the dirt path leading back to Verona.

I was foolish, I didn't think about how the guards patrol the gate and I was quickly captured by the guards and taken into custody where I was quickly stripped of my belongings and prosecuted before being sentenced to death for violating my banishment and thrown in the damp, nitre-rich dungeon while we waited for my execution. Many people visited me, Friar Lawrence, Lord and Lady Capulet, and the Nurse.

Friar Lawrence was the first to visit me and he inquired about my reasons for returning. "Why," he pleaded, "Why would you return Romeo, you've sealed your fate by even being near here."

My heart felt far too heavy to look him in the eye or even answer his pleas. About two and a half hours after Friar Lawrence left, Lord and Lady Capulet visited and screamed at me. "What are your intentions!? You've already taken my nephew from me, what's next? My daughter!? Are you planning to kill my daughter too!?"

Lord Capulet screamed at me while his wife, Lady Capulet, sobbed into his shoulder, when they left Lady Capulet's sobs could be heard up the stairs. A few hours passed and I was served dinner, a stale piece of bread and cold stew with dirty water. Some hours later the Nurse came to visit.

"Romeo," She wept, "Why would you come back." Her sobs were loud but not loud enough to be heard from upstairs."I needed to see my lady at least one last time." I spoke through a cold sob, swallowing the choke seeping up my throat before speaking once more, "Tell me, how is my Juliet?"

The Nurse sighed before speaking, "The Lord and Lady have her locked in her room. She is... she is to be wed by Wednesday and is not taking the news well,"

I gasped as soon as I heard the news and attempted to speak more but the guard was heard from up the stairs and the Nurse jumped before frantically taking off the way she came leaving me alone in the cold dark dungeon leaving me enraged and empty.

The rest of the night was cold and damp but I managed to somehow fall asleep late into the night. I was awoken by the guards early in the morning the next day, I had not managed to sleep well the night before.

I was surrounded by laymen who sang religious songs and showed me artworks of the lord's crucifixion in an attempt to help me repent as they ushered me to the town square where the executioners were waiting for me beside a wooden platform surrounded by a crowd of people.

On a nearby balcony, Lord and Lady Capulet stood beside Juliet who was sobbing into the nurse's chest and Friar Lawrence stood nearby to officiate the execution. My eyes lit up when I set eyes on Juliet but my heart quickly sunk in my chest as I saw what state she seemed to be in.

I was silent as the laymen dragged me onto the platform and put me on my hands and knees while setting my neck on a stool. I took a deep breath and took the few moments I had before they executed me to look at my surroundings, specifically to look at my Juliet.

Can I even call her 'mine' anymore? Juliet kept glancing at me before looking away while sobbing. As I pondered such depressing thoughts it finally settled on me that I was about to die.

I felt warm tears stream down my face as I came to terms that I was to die. All the noise around me, the whispers and gossip of the town people, the angry shouts of the other merchants and servants, and the sobs of the Capulets' faded into a low hum as I felt the tears stream down my face painting my face with hot streaks as Friar Lawrence began his speech which quickly faded to a low hum in the background quickly followed by the scenery as my vision blurred and I became all too quickly aware of the scent of the dirt kicked into the air mixed with the scent of the morning air as hot tears streamed down my face but I kept silent clenching my teeth through it all.

And yet, all too quickly my senses came rushing back to me as the rusty blade of the ax I hadn't even noticed had been raised came rushing down onto my neck. I heard two screams ring through the air but only one was followed by sobs.

I quickly came to realize one of those screams came from my mouth as I felt blood begin to fill my throat causing a metallic taste to linger in my mouth, my sense of taste quickly was relinquished due to blood loss, and my sense of feel gone shortly beforehand as I gurgled blood from my mouth while attempting to scream as tears still fell from my face. In the corner of my vision, I saw the executioner lift his ax one last time to sever my head entirely and as the ax fell upon my neck one last time I heard another shrill scream ring through the air as my head rolled across the wooden platform and my last few thoughts before fading out were of my love, Juliet.

In my final moments... A Romeo and Juliet angst oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now