Chapter two; 4am worries.

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Kazuha enters the kitchen and notices a shock of maroon resting on the counter. He's been wondering where the boy wandered off to, it seems he's found his answer.

He bends down slightly to the resting boy's height, "Heizou?" He coos softly. Heizou raises his head, turning to his left and instantly flustering at having their faces mere inches apart. "...Kazu." Heizou breathes out, surprise evident in his expression. Kazuha raises to his full height with a teasing smile, "Why are you sleeping on the counter when I have a perfectly well futon you can lay on?" He questions teasingly. Heizou looks equally surprised and embarrassed at the inquiry. "I wasn't asleep." The redhead defends. Kazuha raises an eyebrow at him, "It's 4 am, you should be." Kazuha scolds lightly.

Heizou pouts and Kazuha is suddenly reminded of a week prior when Scaramouche practically gushed about how adorable Heizou looks when he does so. "...I was just, hm, thinking." Heizou finally decides on murmuring out. The older raises an eyebrow at that but before he can comment; Scara comes staggering out, hair tousled with evident bed-head and furrowed eyebrows in his usual grumpy expression. "You both left me alone then, preceded to wake me," He speaks with a glare.

Kazuha smiles apologetically, knowing how much of a light sleeper his boyfriend is. "We didn't mean to awaken you, love." He says in apology as he comes over to the other to softly kiss his forehead. Scara is still very much displeased so only grunts in response.

Heizou gazes at the sight anxiously. They've all been dating for about a week or so now, and though Heizou isn't the jealous type he can't help repeatedly thinking they're undeniable, 'made for each other', even with such small banter it still shows. Scaramouche and Kazuha turn back to him in surprise and he can't help but be surprised too. He must've said that out loud, huh? "What do you mean?" Kazuha asks him softly as Scara looks at him curiously. Instinctively, Heizou puts his hand over his mouth and tenses. "Nothing." He insists with a light shake of his head.

Scara and Kazuha share a look before Scara walks over, cocking his head to the side mockingly. "You're a horrible liar, Hei," He speaks to him, leaning in close, "So just don't try." He gives the redhead a sly look, glancing between his eyes and Heizou can't help but blush at the sudden attention and eye contact. Kazuha pushes the indigo-haired male's head down and out of view. "And you call me shameless?" He raises a mock questioning eyebrow- not that the other sees it.

Heizou glances up toward the male and Kazuha offers him a soft smile, "Hello." He greets. Heizou blushes faintly and thinks— not for the first time, that Kazuha looks utterly angelic.

"Kazuha," Scaramouche speaks lowly in displeasure. "Do you wish to no longer have a hand?" The platinum blond quickly withdraws his hand with an eye-roll, letting Scaramouche finally lift his head—upon being the first sight Scara sees when his head is released, Scaramouche gives him an unusually soft expression, "Hey." He greets simply. Heizou's cheeks redden significantly at that and he pouts annoyedly. "You..." Heizou glances between the two then stubbornly crosses his arms.

Kazuha snorts out an amused laugh. "It's because we know that look, Hei," Kazuha speaks up, lightly smoothing out the crease in between his eyebrows. "You always make that face when there's this perplexing question that you can't rely on your intuition to solve," Scara explains. "It's not very hard to guess that said 'question' has something to do with us," Kazuha adds.

Heizou's head tilts in confusion. "My expression?" He echoes in question. They both nod. "You space out then look blank and thoughtless." --thoughtless more so than usual, Scara thinks to add, "Somehow you prove really aware considering," He says instead and Heizou can't help but think that there was an insult somewhere in there but couldn't seem to find out where.

Heizou tries to resist the urge to smile but fails almost immediately. "I.." he speaks light-heartedly with a bright smile. Heizou leans forward to give Scara a soft kiss on his lips before lifting himself to do the same to Kazuha, "Thank you both." He says softly before pulling away to smile at the other two excitedly. "Our first kiss!" He announces happily, Kazuha blushes brightly at the realization while Scaramouche looks up at Heizou in amusement. An overeager puppy, Scara thinks he is. "Heizou," Scara calls out, causing Heizou to turn in question before quickly being met with a kiss. Heizou gasps in surprise and clings to the older's shirt as he's kissed roughly.

Scara hums in contentment when he pulls away, licking away the thin thread of saliva connecting them. Heizou can distantly hear a soft tsk in disapproval from Kazuha behind him but is too dazed to dwell. Kazuha once again pushes Scara's face out of view. "Hei, me too," Kazuha, ever polite, asks with a tilt of his head. Heizou doesn't care to resist and quickly leans in, capturing the other's lips in a kiss. It's much softer than his kiss with Scaramouche and he can instantly feel Kazuha melt under him, making him want to further deepen the kiss but he doesn't and instead pulls away for air after some time.

"This is why I call you shameless," Scara comments from behind them, Kazuha just smiles in satisfaction not paying the boy too much mind. It's then that Heizou decides 'made for each other' is starting to apply to the three of them, a trio. Suddenly he feels way less anxious and way more loved. "Made for each other," He catches himself whispering and this time when Scaramouche and Kazuha look back at him, the words aren't accompanied by a look of uncertainty but a look of fondness. Kazuha borderline tackles him in an embrace. "Ah! We did it," Kazuha tells him cheerfully. Heizou looks at him in confusion causing Scara to explain; "You seemed really anxious earlier so Kazuha wanted to cheer you up." He explains. "You wanted to cheer him up, Kuni," Kazuha responds smugly. Scara turns his head away stubbornly, "Whatever." He mutters off to the side.

Kazuha suddenly remembers the time and perks up before grabbing the hands of both of his lovers and dragging them back to the bedroom.

"Next mission is getting you both to bed." Says Kazuha, pushing them both onto their designated futons. "You're the ones who woke me." Scara reminds with a glare but he's quickly shushed as Kazuha plops onto his futon, "Quiet dear, it's sleep time." Kazuha tells him teasingly. Scara grumbles, turning over to his side as Kazuha turns to Heizou. "Night, He— ...Heizou?"

He pokes at the boy's sleeping form before letting out a breath of disbelief. "...He's asleep." He concludes with soft laughter. "He goes to sleep and wakes up at the same time every day without fail, there's no wonder he's tired," Scara tells him in his usually blank tone. Kazuha smiles at that and shuffles closer to the other. "Goodnight, Kuni." He whispers, softly planting a kiss on the boy's nape, Scaramouche hums him a 'goodnight' before he lays onto his back and comfortably falls to sleep surrounded by the ones he loves.

And if by morning they were an entanglement of limbs and blankets that was no one's business but their own.


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