Chapter 10 - Dark Past

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Regina's PoV

"Were you certain? Did you really see the demon hovering above you and calling out for Regina's name?"

Louie is concerned, but I am not. I know exactly who that creature is. And I have suspicions from when I first heard about the serial killing case.

"Yes, your majesty. I am certain because I've seen the demon with my eyes."

Louie slumps to his seat.

"How could you drink tea leisurely while that creature roams free? And how did he escape from its binding spell?! Didn't we do the ritual the right way? Regina, the empress, should know about this. She's part of the plan, after all."

Well, the three of us were close back then. And we were stupid enough to summon a demon when we were just twelve years old. But I didn't remember this situation happening in my past life. Did something change when I disrupted the flow of what was supposed to happen?

The demon shouldn't be a problem for us to handle. But the creature calls out my name, so I'm sure he's hungry. That's why he's been killing the people that he sees. This is going to be a problem.

"The empress has arrived."

The empress dismissed her servant before sitting at the table with us. If any officials saw us right now, they might think we're planning something sinister.

"What is this about demons roaming in Bergamot? Is it who I think it is? How did he escape from the binding spell?"

The empress looks at me as if asking if I remember anything from my past about the demon. I shake my head no.

"Is it because we change the way it is supposed to be? That's impossible, right?"

Louie seems confused.

"Since when did you two become close again? Aren't you get swore to each other to be at odds? How did you two find the courage to apologize to one another?"

We didn't, but as women, we just let our feelings and actions do the talking.

"That's not important. What's important now is the creature who gifted that flower to Regina. If the demon starts to build his army, we have to do something. We're the faces of Bergamot now. What will the people think if they know that we summoned a demon when we were children?!"

The empress realized that Verena was still here.

"And I assume that you will keep whatever you heard a secret that you'll take to your grave."

Verena nodded. How dare that woman threaten my knight.

"Regina, the demon calls out to you. Any reason for it to do so?"

I shake my head no.

"Then why did that bastard suddenly appear? There must be a reason."

I, for one, am not worried about that.

"I'll handle this. Don't worry. I know exactly what to do."


I did say I know what I should do, but- what exactly do I need to do to summon that bastard?

It was a mistake of mine to associate myself with a demon, but I was desperate. Now, how did I handle the demon in my previous life? Oh yes- I sacrifice a village at the Eastern border. The demon was pleased, but the saintess took advantage of the situation, and I lost Louie's favor.

I can't let it happen again. I need to get rid of that bastard before things escalate. Should I offer my blood to the demon, or should I prepare some medium to conjure him?

Regina (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now