Villains I

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Ah the Badlands, the place where every villain is banished so they can't harm anybody in the kingdom.

This is where a company was made.

The company name was :

"Dilema's evildoing Co here, what evil do you need us to do" Said the receptionist

On the desk was a name plate for the receptionist and it said Pomegranate Cookie in Gold.

Pomegranate was working for 2 hours, until the meeting, where the CEO of the Company would have her meetings.

*tick tock tick tock*

as the clock chimes, everybody else has arrived for work.

There in the elevator stood her master Dark enchantress Cookie, The cookies of Darkness, Monarch ,Master Frown, Brock and many other co-workers.

"Keep moving, your guys too slow" - said Licorice and Twizzly Gummy

"HEY, It's Not MY fault half of us have hair that takes up 99% of the space in this Damb elevator" said frown, he was getting squished by Schwarzwälder and Red Velvet.


"Frownie, relax if you don't Rage out we can have that great mac and chesse and cuddle" said brock, Frowns Bf and Emotional support

After they got out, they went to right there report on what evil they did today in there files.

"So Gabriel, I heard your arm still hurts"
Said dark enchantress

"Yes, it still does, how are your Minions Doing" asked gabe

"Well matcha made a fire last night after trying to make green tea, and nobody knew how to use a fire extinguisher, how is your son?" askes D.E (Dark enchantress)

"He is doing fine in school, But he has a crush on this marinette girl from school,
She looks like a bad influence on him and instead of getting him and Kagami together-"

"Somehow there is a Shield protecting that girl" said both in union

"i know how that feels, i have the same problem with Those kids and that chilli pepper lady" said D.E

"You think you have it worst, i tried taking over zahramay fallls 86 times and i failed every time" said zeta,she looked like she was attacked by a wild animal

"those are rookie numbers, i tried taking the miraculous 128 times and i failed but unlike you i managed to get almost every miraculous but lost 1 in the progress" said Gabe

"Said the guy who is dying as we speak" said frown

" attention Everyone, meeting will start in 5 minutes , if you don't come in 5 minutes you will get 50% of your paycheck cut for this months payment"
Said the Ceo On the loudspeaker

"I hate that bitch" said Dark enchantress cookie

"i heard that" said the ceo

*5 minutes later*

The villains and the bad guys enter the meeting room , there was a long giant table with seats that were designed for every person in the room and at the very top was a Chair for the ceo.

Everybody was getting seated for the meeting but one seat was empty.

"Did anybody see Declan today?" Said Licorice

"He probably drowned while getting here, He Always gets into more Chaos then all of us and he really wants revenge on that one guy" Said black pearl

These past couple of days have been rough to be honest, they seriously needed more help in most of the departments.

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