Shipping discourse is dumb

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I wanted 2 start off this book in a more positive note, but I've been scrolling thru tumblr and this has been really annoying me. This drama or whatever might actually be old, didn't really look at when all of these discourse things went on, but seeing as total drama is getting popular (ESPECIALLY on tik tok), it's a matter of time before people start this up again so yeah.

So, as the photo above shows, people in this fandom have really shit takes. Like- one side of this fandom hates gay ships and loves hetero ones then the other side loves gay ships and hates hetero ones. Like?!?!? No need to be so toxic about, which people are. I think it's so dumb how gay ships are being hated on because they're not canon or smth (technically we have canon gay ship rn, Rajbow) but it's really dumb and probably homophobic. I see people trashing on gay ships for no reason other than "I just don't like it" and treating others like shit for liking m/m and w/w pairings. It seems preeeetttyyyy homophobic 2 me, because the same people turn around and praise non canon straight ships. And then there's the people who hate on every canon straight pairing cuz straight couples are boring I guess (wrong). Any couple can be interesting as long as it's played out correctly. I get a lot of hetero couples on this show are pretty ass, but there are some rlly good written ones. Lyler? Ozzy? Zoke?? Crinnui??!! Shasmine?!??!!!?! SAMOTA?!???!??!? ALEHEATHER??!?!?!!?!?!??
Clearly it's because people just don't find straight couples interesting enough. Now, it's fine if you don't ship any of those. Personal opinions exist,, but going out of your way to complain and rant about how these relationships are bad while just dragging on and on without making any good points is just bs.

I'm a really huge Aleheather fan. I have been for years. Little me experiencing their relationship and the whole entire world tour finale was phenomenal, I wish I could experience it again. They started my mini obsession with enemies to lovers. They were written really well in both WT and AS and kicked so much ass. Their dynamic works so well for me, I love them forever, they are my everything. They take the best td ship medal for me and they hold a very special place in my heart. Saying that, I also really like Heathney. I like their dynamic and especially loved seeing Heather being nice 2 her (in sum scenes) in WT. I can totally see them as gfs and I rlly love Heathney, I think it's pretty neat. Same goes 4 Alenoah and Aletyler, both are very interesting and I'd probably look into it (I might). wlw Heather and mlm Alejandro headcanons?? Cool!! I can see it!      <— that is how you have your own opinion while respecting others.

Sorry I got really ranty here. Also again, this might not even be relevant right now, but I saw some people shitting on certain ships quite a few times and it made me angry. Let people have their own opinions!!!!! As long as it's not illegal or a proship or something, it's perfectly fine to ship!! I just want this community to be more accepting of peoples ships, which a majority are! I've seen many accepting people of different headcanons and ships and that's ver good 👍👍 I just hope people don't start this up again bc of some of the stuff I've already seen on Tik Tok.....
Anyways, ur ships are valid as long as it isn't a proship!!!! Let people have their own opinions GOSH (harold moment)

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