Good To Be Bad!

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It's been a year since Uma attacked Auradon but was swiftly defeated! Back on the isle, a villain kid picks up a newspaper with the 'VK Five' on the front of it, that was a name for Mason, Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay. "VK Day is TODAY!" was written across the headline, suddenly the VK Five appeared smiling and they all started to sing, "From the North, to the South! From the East to the West. Lost boys, lost girls you all know you're the best! Hit the streets, it's your day turn it up, now's your chance! It's time to get up on your feet and dance" Mal then strutted down the street smiling at the VK's watching her, "Anybody wanna be like us? Everybody wanna be like us!" Carlos followed her singing, "All the boys from Auradon and the girls 'cause they know what's up!" Evie walked up to Harriet Hook and smiled before singing, "Your life could change today! Your life will change today!" Jay pointed at a street called 'Jay's Zone' and sang, "These streets named after us because we paved the way!" Mason smiled and walked into a crowd before singing, "Everyone come and take your shot! Now's the time, show 'em what you got cause everyone is gonna get their chance! They said that being from the Isle was bad!" The group joined back together and started to sing, "Well, it's good to be bad and we're proof of that! Used to be lost, now we're on the map. Used to steal stacks, now we're giving back! Remember that! It's good to be bad! If you got pride, raise your V's up high wave 'em wide, side to side feel the vibe! It's good to be bad."

Evie strutted down the street with a group of VKs following, she started to sing, "I wanna see you all rep your block! I wanna see you all rep your block. Hey show your pride, let me hear ya shout!" All the group joined Evie and sang, "We're from the Isle of the Lost!" Mal took Evie's hand and kissed her cheek before singing, "We're here to celebrate! We're here to elevate! If you're down, then make your move but you best not hesitate Come on!" Mason walked over to Celia Facilier (Daughter of Dr Facilier) and sang, "Today's the day that you won't forget! The best to come ain't happened yet. Take a bow, it won't be your last! You're from the Isle if anybody asks." Everyone joins in singing, "Well, it's good to be bad and we're proof of that! Used to be lost, now we're on the map. Used to steal stacks, now we're giving back! Remember that! It's good to be bad! If you got pride, raise your V's up high wave 'em wide, side to side feel the vibe! It's good to be bad!" Jay and Carlos smile before starting to rap, "They can try to deny our style but we were born this way. 'Cause you can take the VK outta the Isle but you can't take the Isle out the VK! If you wanna make it hype, not a moment to waste, make it loud, make it live, make it jump to the bass! Make it what you want, but you'd better make your case 'Cause the Isle makes us and we're reppin' this place!" All of the VK five join in as they are now on a balcony viewing everyone. "So when I say "V", you say "K" V!" They sing before everyone shouts; this repeats a few times before everyone sings, "Well, it's good to be bad and we're proof of that! Used to be lost, now we're on the map. Used to steal stacks, now we're giving back! Remember that! It's good to be bad! If you got pride, raise your V's up high wave 'em wide, side to side feel the vibe! It's good to be bad!"

Everyone applauds as the VK five have picked their five VKS, Evie smiles before saying, "I can't believe this day has finally arrived! I honestly wish we could take you all with us, and someday very soon, we can." Evie takes Mason and Mal's hands. "Yeah, we're gonna be back here so many times, you're going to be so sick of us!" Mason added, causing everyone to laugh. "Can we get a drumroll, please? First, I would like to begin with the daughter of Captain Hook, my sweet, sweet friend, Harriet who in no way is like her mean brother!" Evie said, everyone broke out in applause, Harriet strutted up and said, "What can I say? I'm just perfect!" Which caused everyone to laugh. Jay took a step forward, an awkward atmosphere arose between Jay and Mal but before he could speak, Carlos said "Next...the son of Smee. Come on, Squeaky!" Squeaky looked at his twin brother and his dad but before he could move, Jay smiled and said, "And no way we're splitting up the twins, so get over here, Squirmy, come on! Bring it in buddy!" Smee smiled and hugged his boys as they walked up to the balcony. "We all picked this girl, because we all agreed that she could use a little bit of Fairy Godmother's goodness class. Give it up for Dr. Facilier's daughter, Celia!" Mal said, causing Celia to turn to everyone and say, "I'm bad!" before walking up to the balcony. Everyone looked at Mason, Mason's smile slowly faded as he had to pick the last person. He looked around at everyone before touching his promise ring to Ben. "And my vote goes to someone who Ben and I picked, and we started this whole operation. "Maddy! Come on up!" Mason said, Maddy looked shocked but ran up the steps and hugged Mason. "THANK YOU!" She shouted with glee. "We'll be back for you guys next week, okay?" Carlos said smiling, "Yeah, so pack your stuff, your own stuff." Jay added, smiling. "Where are you going?" Mal asked, the five looked at each other before shouting, "WE ARE GOING TO AURADON!"

Mason was the last to leave the isle of the lost, he looked down at the ring Ben had given him. As Mason got into the limo, he kept an eye on the ocean and the minute he reached Auradon, he rushed to the highest point of the castle with his binoculars to try and see Uma. Ben swiftly followed him, almost a little worried. "Hey, whatcha doin?" Ben asked Mason, who turned around quickly, "trying to spot Uma!" Mason said before quickly turning back around, "Not a tentacle in sight." Mason added, Ben took his hand and smiled. "I think if Uma was up to something, it'd be done by now." Ben said before Mason leaned his head on Ben's shoulder, "No, Ben, I know how villains think, and I don't trust Uma as far as I can throw her. She's gonna wait until our defenses are down and then that's when she's gonna strike. I really wish I had time to go do a flyover. because I can go much higher." Mason said before Ben kissed his forehead, "Well, you can't be everywhere at once. Besides, I got your back. Come on, everyone's waiting for us." Ben said slowly walking with Mason, "Wait. You're getting more guards right?" Mason asked, Ben stayed quiet. "BEN!" Mason shouted, Ben laughed a little and said "I'm getting more guards. Now, breathe. Come on." Ben said before walking with Mason back into the castle.

Outside of Auradon Prep, there was a crowd of everybody with welcome signs and of course Evie was at the front of it. But a few rows behind was Audrey, with her freshly dyed blonde hair with coloured highlights. She hadn't spoken to Mason for almost a year. "Here they come." Evie said before Mason and Ben walked out of the school and onto a stage, the marching band started playing and everyone started cheering. Apart from Audrey and her grandmother who stood there looking like they hated everything. The Fairy Godmother stood with a gold microphone, she cleared her throat before saying, "Yes. Bippity-boppity, one-two, one-two, can everybody hear me?" Everyone cheered and then she handed the microphone to Ben, "Thank you, Fairy Godmother. What's up, Auradon? Thank you, thank you so much for coming out to welcome our new arrivals. They'll be here soon." Ben said, causing the crowd to cheer, "It's not like we had a choice." Queen Leah mumbled which caused her to get a dirty look from Mal, "It worked out pretty well for the first four." Ben said, "Especially for you!" Chad said before giggling, Audrey shot a glare at him which silenced Chad. "Mason, this is the exact spot we first met not so long ago. I feel like I've known you my whole life. But did I mention I'm in love with you?" Ben said before he started to sing a slowed version of 'Did I Mention', "I met this guy that rocked my world, Like it's never been rocked. And now I'm living just for him, and I won't ever stop. I never thought it could happen to a guy like me, But now look at what you've done. You got me down on my knee." Ben sand before getting on one knee and pulling out a ring box, "Mason, it's you and me. It's you and me forever. Will you marry me? Will you be my queen?" Ben asked, Mason was shocked.

One hundred thoughts ran through his head, but all of them ended in his feelings for Ben. A tear fell from his eye as he smiled, "Yes!" Mason said, causing the crowd to cheer, "NO!" Audrey screamed from the audience, Mason smiled as he kissed Ben causing the crowd to cheer even louder. " A lifetime of plans. Gone. Our family status gone. Audrey, you were supposed to be his queen, and you let him slip through your fingers. Your mother could hold on to a prince in her sleep." Queen Leah said, Audrey grunted before shouting, "Don't you think I feel bad enough already, Granny?" Suddenly Ally walked past, she was the daughter of Alice from Alice in Wonderland and was Mason's biggest fan. "Ben and Mason are the best! I'm so excited for Mason to be our queen." Ally said to Lonnie before Audrey grabbed her wrist, "you'd really rather have a VK on the throne than me? What is wrong with you people? What is wrong with everybody? And Mason is a boy, boy's aren't queens!" Audrey asked, "Someone's jealous." Lonnie said as she left, "I'm engaged, man!" Ben said to Carlos and Jay who hugged him, "What did you know?" Mason asked Mal and Evie who smiled, "Everything. You are gonna rock that crown." Mal said before hugging him, "Okay, so I've only done about a thousand sketches of your wedding outfit, and...Belle's already planned an engagement party next week!" Evie said smiling, Belle walked over smiling, "It's a really good thing I said yes. Hi!" Mason said before hugging Belle, "I finally get another child." Belle said smiling, "Congrats, son." Beast said to Ben who smiled. "Thanks, Dad." Fairy Godmother smiled before saying, "Oh, sweetie. So happy for you both." "Thank you so much, Fairy Godmother. I think he liked it." Ben added before the Fairy Godmother hugged him. Audrey then strutted up to Mason, "Audrey, just the person I wanted to see!" Mason said smiling, "Congratulations. You won him fair and square. Oh, wait, no, you didn't. You spelled Ben to destroy all of Auradon. Touching story for the grandkids." Audrey said back, Mason stood there stunned, "Okay, let's do this." Ben said over the microphone, "Speaking of kids, we have some kids waiting on us, so...if you'll excuse me." Mason said before a guard came up to him and said, "Congratulations, Queen Mason." Mason smiled and hugged him before leaving an angry Audrey. Mason smiled as he got into the limo with Ben and the other VKs before driving to the isle.

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