The Journey Below the Water

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" Please I don't want you to go" Dea said. "I have to go I must speak to Aquaman, he must pay". " I'll be so lonely without you" she murmured. "You wont be if you wear this, we will be able to telepathically talk. I wear one and you wear one. " Okay​, but I'll still miss you" she said. "I will miss you as well" and I left for Atlantis.

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I burst through the force field then burst into the throne room and yelled at Aquaman "how dare you sit on that throne and call yourself king you murderer". Then Queen Mera came in and asked "what is this all about". "This is about the Daywalkers Queen Mera. Where is the King Queen Mera he must answer for his crimes" I told her. "He will be coming shortly make yourself at home" she said as Aquaman bursts in and yells at Orm "get off my throne Orm". The king was, well lets just say he was different and he hated his throne, but loved it at the same time weird huh. "Daywalker what are you doing here return to kill me or come so I can finish the job" he said. "Shut up Aquaman, where is my mother" I screamed. "I know" the queen said. "Be quiet Mera this is not your place" the king said. "Well you do know a house divided amongst itself cannot hope to stand. Aquaman I do not expect you to give your throne up, but I expect you as a king willing to give information on a mother, who's child has been lost for to long, or are you a coward". " I don't know where she is I sold her to Mantas so he would leave us alone" the king replied. "You what" I yelled." Will, I know where she is I will take you to her" Mera said. "Okay, but when we're there you will turn back, do I have your word". "Yes" she replied.

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