20- The Toy Rose

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October 20, 2012.

The sign said Devil's Food, and the front window was filled with enough baked goods to make the shop live up to its name. Brownies, double chocolate muffins, and at least a hundred different kinds of frosted chocolate cakes lined the displays. I thought of Belinda Ferrence when I spotted a chocolate cupcake with pink frosting and a raspberry dolloped on top of it. It looked sweet enough to make my teeth fall out. There were free tables inside but Harry had hopped out as soon as I pulled up to the curb, quickly telling me to keep the car running before he bolted inside.

"Drink up," he said when he returned, sliding back into the passenger seat and holding out a tall Styrofoam cup for me. Whatever was inside it smelled like chocolate, caramel, and cinnamon, and warmth thrummed through my whole body when I wrapped my fingers around the cup.

Still, I glowered at him. "This is not the kind of heavy drinking I had in mind, you liar."

"It's ten in the morning!" he argued, grinning as he lifted the lid off his cup, blowing a cloud of steam towards me. "Is this not heavy enough for you?"

"Don't be cheeky," I grumbled. "We could've gotten hot chocolate anywhere. I'm fairly certain I've got some in the cupboard over the sink!" It had expired last Christmas, but he didn't need to know that. "But, no," I sighed, "you had to drag me all the way out to some uppity Primrose Hill café where you've probably just spent a small fortune on a subpar cup of melted chocolate."

"Subpar!" he scoffed, throwing his head back in laughter. "You haven't even tried it, Rose."

I scrunched up my features in distaste. "I don't like sweet things."

"The box of Frosties you ate for breakfast says otherwise."

"Oi!" I hit my hand on the steering wheel. "I had one bowl, not an entire box."

He hummed around the rim of his cup before he took a small sip. Licking the whipped cream off his upper lip, he smiled deviously. "You've got to admit that it was a pretty big bowl."

"Shut up," I grunted, carefully placing my hot chocolate in the center console's cup-holder. "Put your seatbelt on, I'm not supposed to be parked here."

"Not until you try it," he said, amusement clear on his face. The corners of his mouth tilted up in a smile.

"I'll try it later."

"Why not now?" he asked, pouting. "I want to watch your face when you realize how utterly life-changing that cup of subpar melted chocolate I just bought for you is."

"Don't be annoying."

"I'll stop being annoying when you stop being stubborn," he said. "Just taste it now, and if you don't like it, I won't say anything else about it."

"Harry," I whined, tightening my grip on the wheel.

"Rose," he mocked, scrunching his nose up as he imitated my snarl.

"That traffic warden's been watching me for the past three minutes — we've got to go." I pointed out the front windshield.

Harry choked back a laugh, glancing out the window. "Are you kidding me? I'm pretty sure—no, yep, he's definitely asleep."

I groaned under my breath. "Why're you so difficult?"

"Me?" he snickered. "I'm difficult? Why can't you just try the hot chocolate?"

"Fine," I huffed, grabbing my cup. Snapping open the lid, I took a sip and purposefully ignored Harry's stare. I resisted the urge to moan in delight, saving myself from losing face. The hot chocolate was warm and flavorful, rich enough to make me want more and sweet enough to make me take a second taste.

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