Chapter Six- Futile Facades

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New chapter as promised!

Thank you guys so much for 5k hits and 300 kudos on ao3 and 500 reads on wattpad! That's absolutely insane, thank you!

Hope you enjoy this next chapter, it's a rollercoaster :)

(this chapter has only been skimmed through because I have a lot of shit to do today but wanted to get it posted regardless- so sorry for any mistakes)

TWs: classic wilbur manipulation, but no different than previous chapters


"Do you ever wonder how things will change?"

"I don't think they will."

"You can't know that."

"We both know they'll kill me eventually."

The boy was quiet for a long moment, swinging his legs over the rooftop ledge almost absentmindedly. Their seats were precariously on the edge, one strong gust of wind enough to startle them into falling off to the harsh pavement below.

Tommy could almost picture it.

The sudden spike of fear that made his heart freeze, wind whistling through his ears as he flailed in the air, the sudden smack of concrete that crushed everything in his body into dust. His own light snuffed out like a birthday candle, nothing but a smoky memory of what once was left behind.

He almost found comfort in the image, imagining the satisfaction it would bring to his family knowing that his painful presence in their home was no more. Maybe his father would finally stop punishing his mother for the rare words of kindness she offered; a peace offering amidst his flurry of pain. Maybe his sister would finally be able to move on in her life after her faked months of grieving, on to college with a new group of friends where she would finally be able to escape the people who raised a villain.

And Tommy could be alone in a new place, full of new things to offer him.

No one would be hurt by him anymore.

Maybe that would be the better solution. He was merely the catalyst to a new wave of their lives, just as his birth had been. Except, hopefully, this one would have a better ending.

The thought almost brought a smile to his face.

Tubbo, to his side, seemed to sense the turn Tommy's thoughts had taken, his brown eyes lingering at the sudden dark expression his friend wore like a transparent mask. A hand set on his knee, shaking him just enough to startle him from his thoughts.

Tommy glanced up, eyes detaching from their gaze on the painted roads below where passersby flooded by, and landing on Tubbo's own.

The concern was evident, as it commonly was with him. His best friend had always struggled to hide his real emotions, despite the many times it had caused him further pain.

"I'm just saying," Tommy assured him, though sarcasm laced beneath his words. "They'll probably kill me soon enough. I reckon my dad will just beat me over the head too hard one day and it'll be done. No more homework, I guess."

Tubbo snorted, though mainly to appease Tommy and less of finding humor in the situation. "Have you considered just...running? You could always stay with me-"


"You always say that without telling me why ." Tubbo scoffed, leaning back to stare at the blue skies flowing overhead. "You would be safe with us. Aimsey would make sure of that."

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