- 𝐜 𝐡 𝐚 𝐩 𝐭 𝐞 𝐫 𝐈.

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THE LOUDNESS of the music and everyone talking when Mikaela opened the door to the party. She walked in followed by one other girl, Tara Carpenter.. one of Mikaela's friends. Her other friends were also at the party.

"I'm gonna get a drink, want one?" Tara asked Mikaela, "No thanks, I'm gonna go to Chad and Ethan but be careful". Tara smiles and walks towards the drinks.

As Mikaela walks towards the two boys she accidentally bumps into one big, and quite muscular guy.. "watch it asshole." Mikaela flicks the guy off. "Shut up hoe." He says walking off. Ethan was about to physically attack the guy but he had to get himself together and keep up his 'shy nerdy' personality.

"Hey guys!" Mik says smilingly. "I saw what just happened, you okay? That dude is an asshole." Ethan says as Mikaela hugs him. "Yeah it's alright." She replies while rubbing his hand which was in a fist. He slowly calms down and rests his hand.

"Hey Mickey!" Chad says with a burst of energy and Mikaela hugs him tightly. "So what were you guys doing this entire party?" She asks them "or were you guys being boring as always?". Mikaela smirks as Chad raises his eyebrows, "boring?! Ethan did she really just call us boring?". Ethan raises his shoulders "I think she did." As they all laugh it off.

"Hey I'm gonna use the restroom upstairs really quickly, I'll be right back." Mikaela says walking away towards the stairs. "I'm gonna go check up on my sister." Chad tells Ethan "I'm gonna go look around a bit, I'll find you later." Ethan replies and they both walk different directions.

As Ethan looks behind him and he doesn't see Chad anymore, so he rushes upstairs trying not to be noticed.

He bangs on the bathroom door, "open up mik quickly." Mikaela opens the door slightly. "Jesus Ethan, what if someone followed you up here?!" She whispers angrily. As he puts his index finger on her lips to keep her quiet he walks in and locks the door.

"How did Chad not know you were walking up here anyways?" She asks him walking towards the sink looking at her upper arm. "Doesn't matter, what's with your arm?" He asks worrying.
"That dickhead I bumped into has arms of fucking steel, it's not that big of a deal it just hurts a little." She scoffs.

Looking in the mirror she can see Ethan admiring her.. staring at her.. like he's in another dimension.

"Ethan! Did you even hear what I was saying?" Mikaela snaps him back to reality. "Sorry it's just, I can't get you off of my mind and I can fucking vomit of Chad telling me to ask out almost every girl at this party." Ethan is annoyed but Mikaela laughs it off.

"Not here Eth." She quickly gives him a kiss on the lips and slightly opens the door to see if anyone's there. She slowly walks out and after a minute or two ethan walks out so nobody suspects anything.

Mikaela drops herself next to Anika who is deeply having a make out sesh with Mindy. "Hello to you guys too." She rolls her eyes. "Oh hey mickey, didn't see you there." Mindy laughs nervously. "Whatever keep making out I really can't give less shits." Mikaela laughs and the two get back into their make out sesh.

Chad signs Ethan to walk back to the place where they stood before.
"Ethan my dude, I got a dare for you." Chad smirks. "You seem a little tipsy.. I don't know if I'm gonna do the dare." Ethan nervously replies. "I dare you to ask out Abigail over there." Pointing at a blonde girl, with long straight hair, blue eyes and a very short skirt with a tight crop top.

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