Finding him

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it was turning night and you were hanging out with your friends in the village.
"it's getting dark. And my mom will be worried since stuff has been happening at night. i have to go now.  bye!"
you say while walking towards your house.
"Bye!" your friends say.
You are about 1 minute away from your house and you keep hearing noises behind you.
You look around you and nothings there.
You get nervous so you start speeding up.
Your finally at your house.
"Mom i am home!" you say while closing the door behind you.
you are walking around your house trying to find your mom. You walk into your moms room.
"Are you sleeping?" you question while staring at her body on the bed.
You walk near her.
"Mom!" you yell in horror.
You see her leg is off and blood all over the bed.
You start crying.
"why. why you! your my only family."
You run out of the house while tears go down your face.
"I'm going to kill who ever did that to my mom!"
you yell while running in the woods.
About 3 minutes later you slow down.
you look around. There are just trees that go on and on.
You are lost. you don't know where you are.
You here a rustle in the background. "HELLO?" you yell while turning around.
"Ooo who do we have here?" you here someone say in the bush laughing.
"WERE YOU THE ONE WHO HURT MY MOM?" you yell while marching up to the bush.
You look in the bush and there not there.
"WHERE DID YOU GO?" you yell.  while rubbing your eyes
"Why hello there y/n" the "thing" says.
"How do you know my name." you wispern under your breath.
your heart starts racing.
"turn around. now" it says while laughing.
"your shaking? are you scared?" it says
you turn around while your body trembles.
you see just the bottom part of the "thing"
"y-your a d-d" you stutter
"i am a what?" it says while chuckling.
"DEMON" you yell while pointing.

Akaza X Reader and some doma X reader (spicy)Where stories live. Discover now