Chapter 8

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Kate felt like she couldn't walk again. All of her movements were slowed down. All she could hear was the echoing of her footsetps in the corridor and muffled voices. Harry's words, her father's action and look, Draco's cries were still imprited on her mind. She knew that she wasn't gonna be welcome anymore so she needed to find the only person who could understand her. As she arrived at the corner of the hallway, she fell into Flora's arms.

« Woaaa, what's going on little bird ? » said Flora while laughing at Kate.

She stopped laughing when she was the fear in Kate's eyes.

« Oh my god, what's wr-... » started Flora but got quickly interrupted by Kate.

« Flora I don't have much time, Dumbledore is dead. Killed by my father. » she stopped herself because her voice started to break at the mention of Snape. « Harry hates me now. I think you should find him and support him. »

She was walking away but turned around to give Flora a last hug.

« I will always be your bestfriend. »

Flora felt her tears on her cheek, she didn't even answered because she was horrified. Not by Kate but by the fact that nothing would be the same anymore.

Draco had just left the astronomy tower and crawled around the castle with the death eaters. They passed in front of the room of requirement when he heard a familiar evil laugh. The others didn't seem to have noticed but Draco stopped himself. A feeling of warning entered his mind which was telling him to verify his suspision. As he stepped inside the room, he saw Bellatrix. By the sight of the person she was dragging into the vanishing cabinet, his heart droped a beat. His beloved Kate was being taken away. She was inconsious but to Draco it felt like she was dead. Bellatrix hadn't seen him and treated Kate as if she was a piece of meat which infurated Draco. He went outside as his soul was leaving his body. He had to find help to rescue his only hope. He tried to run but his muscles were to weak to follow. He stumbled across Flora and Harry who were having a conversation. He hadn't the time to think about their differences, Kate was more important.

« He has her ! » said Draco who was out of breath.

« What ? Who ? » said Flora confused.

« The Dark Lord, he has Kate. » he said with the last bit of air.

Harry and Flora looked at each other petrified. Kate was gone but they were also shocked by Draco's reaction. They had never seen him like this before.

When she opened her eyes, it seemed to Kate that it had been an eternity since she had seen Flora. When she noticed the abscense of her usual comfy bed she forced herself to think about what she had done last night. The last memory she could remember was the smell of an old shop and a ticking sound. The place she had been sleeping in was so dark that she thought her eyes were still closed. A disgusting smell of moisture invaded her as she was trying to get up off the extremely unconfortable floor. Sudently the sound of keys echoed a few feet away from her. As she heard a locked turning, her heart started to race. She went through a large amount of scenarios and was now horrified to the presence of whoever was there. A candle lid up out of nowhere and Kate swung herself into the direction of the light. She could see the shadow of the person who had just entered the room being projected on the wall. A splash of blue light hit her in the face as she fell completely petrified on the floor. Her body started going up in the air but she couldn't see where she was being transported. Sudently she could feel her body again and noticed that she was still flying but that she was now in a familiar dinning room. The same chandeliers were lighting up the place where the death eater reunion had taken place. A familiar perfum froze her to death. She knew he was there.

She started to panic when she heard the dark lord's voice.

« I am going to pass over the presentations which are in fact useless as it came to my attention that you have already been with us last time. » he said.

The sound of Bellatrix' laugh followed his sentence. Kate knew that she was going to get into troubles that day but as it appeared many times, she had been too stubborn.

« I would love to hear the reason why you were so interested in our conversation that day. Would you mind explaining to us ? »

The silence answered instead of her as Kate's eyes were starting to tear up.

« You might be needing some context to answer me so let me explain to you how we discovered your presence. » he said with sarcasm.

Kate was indeed confused about the way she could have possibly been betrayed. And mostly by who. But nothing was following the dark lord's words. The silence was scaring her more than everything. Would she ever get alive out of this situation or would she die knowing her lover was standing under her ?

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