Chapter 5: Lance

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I finally did it. I asked Amaya to date me! She said yes. She made me feel a different way. Her smile was so nice. I don't want to hurt her though... I already messed that up. The worst part is that my powers are still growing. I hate this. I hate the feeling of having weapons on me at all times. Weapons that I can't control. If I barely get spooked I have sparks come out of my fingers. It was... terrible. I hated it I can not believe that happened. Now, she's wearing a bandage around her hand, all because I can't just hold it in or better, control it. Speaking of Amaya she d-commed me on my UPhone (universal phone).
"Hey," I text her
"Hello!" She answers back
"What are you up to?" I ask
"Not much, just thinking about things.."
"What things?" I question
"Idk, maybe, my new boyfriend?"
She was thinking about me? I've never had a girl do that. It's so weird to think the girl I like, likes me back. She was nice and she knew my secrets. I knew hers. It was nice to think about.
"haha. I don't know what to say to that... I want to make a joke, but you made it hard,"
"Well, I guess I'll have to make a joke about you first... hmmmm... what would make you blush?"
"You, shortie," I said knowing that would make her mad
"Hows the weather up there London Tower?"
"London Tower??? London Tower??? hahahahaha... I am offensed Amaya," I sent
"gtg to bed. Aunt Ruby is making me, ttyl!"
"ttyl" I sent back staring up at my ceiling of my bedroom.
She really was something? She was hilarious by complete accident. I barely remember just a week ago when she was scolding me on what to do with my powers and now she was telling me that she loved me. I found that funny. To be honest, she could be scary and I wouldn't want to cross her path on a bad day. She would beat the living crap out of me. I guess I like her for that.

I laid in my bed that night thinking if she actually loved me. My brain reassured me. I knew it for a fact. Nothing could change my mind. I am happy that she was in my life. I have no clue on what nonsense I would do without her. She- she was a miracle. I hope she knows that. I really want her to be happy and safe. That's when I should've hoped I was safe, because I heard my sister scream. I jumped out of bed and ran for her room. NO, I thought looking at her and the woman holding her. The woman was El Gingero, the one who had fought me. We just stared at each other. It was one of those moments where you don't have to say anything to understand what was happening and what you had to do. I had to think strategically. She had my 13 year old sister in her grasp, at any given moment she could kill her. She was playing with me. She flew off towards the feild. I jumped out of my sisters window and started to float.
"Now is not the time to get a new power," I said
I could feel this one more though. I tilted my body to where I wanted to go and I went there. Soon enough I had caught up and reached the feild.
"Hello... let's do some bargaining," She said slyly
"Of what?" I ask
"The decendant of the Great Witch Lucile," She said
"The girl that you saved. The- the- AMAYA! That's her name!"
Amaya? A witch?
"OH hoho, you don't know. She's the decendant of the Great Witch Lucile. She made everyone who has powers now, gain those powers. She started this with her powerful magic, and that girl, Amaya, has that too," El Gingero explained, "Well, this thing was entirely useless. You can have your sister back. I don't feel like- what?- I-," She shook her head as if she had a bug in her hair
El Gingero released Iris and she flew away.
"Lance! Thank you!" She screamed running towards me.
"No, thank mom for having to work late. Imagine if she found out that I have powers..." I say relieved
Iris let's go of me, "Well, let's go home, I'm tired of talking to you," she says walking in the direction of our house
"I have a better idea," I say picking her up and flying home.

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