Another Chance

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Sierra sat down in the basement, chains on her rists attached to the wall. The metal chains were long enough to drag on the ground if she moved, but she sat in a criss-cross position in the middle of the room, her chin resting in the palm of her hand. She was in the same exact place where the ice block was, she was a P.O.W. again.

Memories repeating her head of fun times with her magic, the times where she hurt no one. A tear dripped down her cheek. Suddenly, Sierra heard some ruckus upstairs.

"Edana wait! You cant do that!" A fimilar voice belonging to Natsu Dragneel bellowed.

Suddenly the door slammed opened, and Edana ran down the stairs, Natsu was chasing her.

"you cant stop me!" She shouted as she shook up a bottle of a liquid of some sort.

Sierra was scared. What was Edana going to do? Sierra was afraid she would hurt her, because of what she did to her, but then why was Natsu here?


"RE-ENCHANTMENT!" Natsu was too late as she shot open the small bottle. Blue liquid came out of it, targeting Sierra's hands and shooting up them, Sierra prepared her self for pain, but instead, she felt heavier, and more powerful.

She felt her magic return.

Edana was tackled by Natsu, and they tumbled on the ground.

Then a giant blue explosion surrounded Sierra, alarming the entire guild.

Everyone came running down the steps, "what was that?!" Lucy shouted.

Sierra fell to her knees; it had been at least a month since she felt this power.

Bubbly guilty whistled. Makarov picked her up by the scruff.

"Hey! Hey! Hey! put me down!" she squealed, kicking her legs. "Edana did it!!"

'Wow Bubbly, thanks, really.' Edana thought. Natsu got up off of his daughter and helped her up.

"Care to explain, Edana?" Makarov asked, putting Bubbly down. Beads of sweat collected on her forehead. "Well.....uh-I-umm...hehe. Bubblytoldmeaboutthebookthatyousuedforthede-enchantmentspellsoilookedthroughitandifoundare-enchantmentspellandjustuseditonSierra!"

"I'm old, Edana, speak slower."

"Bubbly told me about the book that you used for the de-enchantment spell so I looked through it and I found a re-enchantment spell and just used it on Sierra."

"So just to make sure you know, Edana broke into your office." Bubbly added with a devilish smile.

"You did too!" Edana shouted. "I'll deal with you two later, but right now I have to take care of Sierra." Makarov butted in, walking over to her.

Sierra noticed and quickly backed away from him, not wanting to hurt anyone anymore. "Hold on, Sierra." Master quickly said, putting his hand on her shoulder. "I-I-I-I don't want to hurt you!" Sierra quickly spat. "There is no reason to be afraid, Sierra." Sierra's eyes were still wide with fear.

"And now you have your magic back. Which I am greatly sorry for. I should have never taken away your magic. I know you will never totally forgive me for it, but I do know I should never have done it. So I offer you return to the Fairy Taial guild. Would you like to re-join?" Sierra winced. "I'm sorry Master Makarov, but the reason I left still stands."

People started to remember, and looked down. But Edana on the other hand, was struck by an idea. "Wait!" She said, running upstairs to go get something. She came back with the book that she stole from Master Makarov. "Child! You go into my office again without permission-" Master stopped. "Sierra," she panted and cleared her throat, and started to read. "Once you do the re-enchantment spell, the wizard will receive these powers, read these, Sierra." Edana handed the book over to her, and she scanned the page.

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